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Postby 112-1077774096 » Mon Jul 25, 2005 6:24 am

LIVERPOOLANYTIME wrote:However at the same time, it proves that he should not have been shot that many times with a view to kill. I am not saying dont shoot him, but shoot to incapacitate. I mean this MUST be possible if the SO19 (gun) squad have been trained properly!!!

This is very disturbing. :(

just imagine he was a suicide bomber and you failed to incapacitate him, and he was able to detonate his bomb??

the old procedure was two shots to the body to kill him, this is not always succsesful. the british police visited israel who have more experience with these things, they were told that you have to basically blow his head away to make certain he is dead before he can have any chance to detonate what he is carrying.

it shows a great level of ignorance if you thing that any 'gun squad' have the ability to incapacitate people 100% of the time whildt keeping them alive, its not possible, think about it.

the only 100% way to incapacitate someone is to kill them, thats the harsh fact.

Postby IstanBuL-FenerBaHce » Mon Jul 25, 2005 12:55 pm


Don't you know how he was killed?!..

Policemen watched him from his home, caught before he jumped into the metro cabin, lay him down, make him ineffective, then shoot him to kill!..

So, they detonate the bomb!!!!

Bullsht.. :no
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Postby adamnbarrett » Mon Jul 25, 2005 3:27 pm

woof woof ! wrote:
adamnbarrett wrote:Ah I see mr toffee nose has returned :angry:

We all have our vices , Dom's happens to be supporting everton ,apart from that he's a diamond and has brought more support and humour to this forum than many others in here .

Good to see you back again Dom .

You know I was messin. Glad to see him back
Welcome back dom
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Postby woof woof ! » Mon Jul 25, 2005 3:35 pm

adamnbarrett wrote:
woof woof ! wrote:
adamnbarrett wrote:Ah I see mr toffee nose has returned :angry:

We all have our vices , Dom's happens to be supporting everton ,apart from that he's a diamond and has brought more support and humour to this forum than many others in here .

Good to see you back again Dom .

You know I was messin. Glad to see him back
Welcome back dom

Yeah ,sorry mate ,didn't initially see the smiley on the end of your post.     :)

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Postby Ciggy » Mon Jul 25, 2005 7:14 pm

??? I really cannot understand why that brazilian fella didnt stop, why did he not stop and surrender? I think he might have been an illeagal imigrant why not stop its puzzlling me, all the witnesses say he just kept running from the police even from outside the station?
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Postby adamnbarrett » Mon Jul 25, 2005 7:27 pm

cisses_gona_get_ya wrote: ??? I really cannot understand why that brazilian fella didnt stop, why did he not stop and surrender? I think he might have been an illeagal imigrant why not stop its puzzlling me, all the witnesses say he just kept running from the police even from outside the station?

Puzzled me to that lynds. On the news they said that the guy has been living in britain for 3 years wherther that is illegally or not it is still to be seen. But the guy living illegally is the only reason I can think of why he didn't stop.
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Postby Ciggy » Mon Jul 25, 2005 7:37 pm

Just been on SKY he was here legally and was a qualified elec  ??? Surely if hes working as an elec in London he spoke english and with all the media over the bombings this past month and the day before he was shot, it is a mystery. On one hand you have to give the police the thumbs up for all there hard work in these trying times, but on the other hand someone pumped 8 bullets into the man, but had he have been a terrorist we would be singing high praises for them now, but mistaken identity, the terrorists are to blame for this, the man would not have been shot had there not been terrorist attack this month in London.
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Postby 84-1106852058 » Mon Jul 25, 2005 8:28 pm

peewee wrote:
LIVERPOOLANYTIME wrote:However at the same time, it proves that he should not have been shot that many times with a view to kill. I am not saying dont shoot him, but shoot to incapacitate. I mean this MUST be possible if the SO19 (gun) squad have been trained properly

The police were left with no option they had to shoot to kill.If they had shot him in the arm or leg he would have still been able to detonate a bomb if he had been carrying one.Iam sure they have been trained to the highest level.
It was not the officers who shot the man who got it wrong it was the inteligence they were given that was wrong.Saying that, if this fellah had stopped when he was ordered to he would still be alive today.Earlier reports on Sky news stated he was in this country illegaly as his visa had expired,this is the only explanation I can see for him not stopping.[with the information available]With the events of the past few weeks it was madness to run illegal immigrant or not,this man paid the ultimate price with his life.
I personally feel if this situation were to arise again I would want the police to react in the same manner,the officers on that day were convinced this man was a bomber and did what they thought was right.

Sky news are currently runnig a poll;

Should the police revue there shoot to kilol policy
as it stands now 88% say no.

Postby Ciggy » Mon Jul 25, 2005 9:00 pm

Theres a program on BBC2 now about Al Queada should be interesting.
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Postby 76-1115222408 » Mon Jul 25, 2005 10:31 pm

The Red Baron wrote:
peewee wrote:
LIVERPOOLANYTIME wrote:However at the same time, it proves that he should not have been shot that many times with a view to kill. I am not saying dont shoot him, but shoot to incapacitate. I mean this MUST be possible if the SO19 (gun) squad have been trained properly

The police were left with no option they had to shoot to kill.If they had shot him in the arm or leg he would have still been able to detonate a bomb if he had been carrying one.Iam sure they have been trained to the highest level.
It was not the officers who shot the man who got it wrong it was the inteligence they were given that was wrong.Saying that, if this fellah had stopped when he was ordered to he would still be alive today. Earlier reports on Sky news stated he was in this country illegaly as his visa had expired,this is the only explanation I can see for him not stopping.[with the information available]With the events of the past few weeks it was madness to run illegal immigrant or not,this man paid the ultimate price with his life.
I personally feel if this situation were to arise again I would want the police to react in the same manner,the officers on that day were convinced this man was a bomber and did what they thought was right.

Sky news are currently runnig a poll;

Should the police revue there shoot to kilol policy
as it stands now 88% say no.

Look two of you have qouted me on the thing about incapacitating the fella....Which is probably right that he would still have been able to detonate a bomb (if it was the case).
People dont seem to realise that i said this before it had been confirmed he was not a terrorist and i was wary in case it wasnt and what it would mean.........And ah look, HE WASNT A TERRORIST, so i feel my point was a bit on the fair side considering an innocent man was shot dead!!

However, if it WAS a terrorist then of course Shoot to doubt!
But let me tell you why i had a feeling it was a mistake:

*If they were tracking him (as has been reported) from his home address.....then WHY THE F>UCK did they ALLOW him to not ONLY get onto a packed BUS, but also ENTER the tube station and give him the OPPURTUNITY to get amongst a heap (literally) of people??  Its not as if Buses and tubes have not been attacked recently FFS!! ???

Now this shows the intelligence was extremely poor.....Therefore IMO IT WAS NOT THE GUYS FAULT........!!
Poor intelligence is the cause of this innocent killing.
Ok, fair enough he (supposedly) had a visa that had run out, so this may have been a reason for him not stopping!! But HOW DO WE KNOW he was asked to stop anyway??  We only have the police word for it, just like the police said that Liverpool fans had kicked off the gate in Hillsborough (which of course was not the case, but it took a while to have the evidence for that!!.)...The Police DO lie you know.....Think about it, thay have KILLED an innocent man, people are naturally going to TRY and cover their backs.

Also I just want to add that a lot of you seem to be saying that if he had done nothing wrong then he should have stopped.

I dont know HOW MANY OF YOU have actually been chased by plain clothes police before, but i have MANY times before (at times admittedly{and ashamedly} because i had done something, BUT ALSO when i have done NOTHING) but if I have done nothing wrong my first reaction would be to run TO BE SAFE....As they are plain clothes, until you see a badge (which is NEVER on show, and not held as they run) you dont know WHO THE HELL they are.

Now I have been chased for no reason by C.I.D (Cops In Disguise..hehe!!) BUT never when they have had firearms, to be honest i think if i saw a gun that would have scared me even more and made me LESS likely to stop to be honest!!! Now i am only speaking about my OWN experiences but the case remains (for me) that someone unknown person running towards you for no apparent reason (when you have done NOTHING wrong) can be frightening, for the simple fact that you dont know WHO they are and WHAT they want. For all you know it could be a nutter just out of the asylum or a gang hell bent on battering someone.

I am not saying this is what happened to this Brazillian guy, all I am saying is that we should all take into account what it must have actually been like to be chased for NO APPARENT REASON.

TBH in the current climate I PERSONALLY would stop, simply because of my 'look', as I am sure i could easily be 'mistaken' for a 'terrorist' if they had 'intelligence' and were following me, and this is simply because if they can wrongly identify a Brazillian (Latin) guy, then I with my tanned/olive/creamy complexion would/could also fall foul of 'misidentification'.
BUT had this not happened to this INNOCENT guy, I would STILL run if chased by ANYONE for no reason (because you cant be too sure or too safe these days anymore, I mean a good friend of mine was shot dead two weeks ago, so its just safer (IMO) to offski, rather than wait around to find out!!).

Let me finish by saying that it is a really hard job the Police have at the moment and I for one would not like to be one in the current climate, especially if having to get into stuations like that last week, when split second decisions have to be made!!!
This IS NOT the fault of the POLICE, but of whoever was in charge of the intelligence network, that believed that this guy was a Terrorist.....These people still need to be brought to account, no matter what!! A long with all and any Terrorist caught (or shot, as may be the case, considering the shoot to kill policy now in effect).
Last edited by 76-1115222408 on Tue Jul 26, 2005 1:10 am, edited 1 time in total.

Postby zarababe » Mon Jul 25, 2005 10:47 pm

.. this is a really sad incident.. but the terrorist threat is to blame for the death of this innocent men.. the Police are under orders to shoot to kill.. if someone does not stop.. jumps over the ticket booth etc then runs down an escalator.. and onto a train it beggars the question .. living so close to stockwell.. why did he not just STOP..

.. why the police let him make the journey is puzzling.. . perhaps they though he was going to meet-up with some other "martyrs".. when the trail revealed there was no others .. they probably decided to stop him entering the station..

The Independent Police Complaints investigation should reveal what happened.. but what was in this mans mind .. what his fears were.. why he did not stop.. well that explanation has gone with him... RIP

.. 8 bullets 7 in his head....
Last edited by zarababe on Mon Jul 25, 2005 11:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.



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Postby 76-1115222408 » Mon Jul 25, 2005 11:03 pm


Postby DrTNT » Tue Jul 26, 2005 12:45 am

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Postby [Dom2] » Tue Jul 26, 2005 12:56 am

cisses_gona_get_ya wrote:
[Dom2] wrote:nice choice of words woof x 2 ''apart from that'' :D

cheers mate :)  appreciate it!

Yer we love ya you little blue rascal  :D

aww im touched  :eyebrow

umm Dom3.... yeah maybe mate  :D
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Postby 112-1077774096 » Tue Jul 26, 2005 1:37 am

cisses_gona_get_ya wrote: ??? I really cannot understand why that brazilian fella didnt stop, why did he not stop and surrender? I think he might have been an illeagal imigrant why not stop its puzzlling me, all the witnesses say he just kept running from the police even from outside the station?

think about this, he was leaving flats where the bombers were beleived to be or had some links with, he wore a heavey coat and made straight for a tube station lnowing he was being followed and refused to stop. he was obviously a decoy.

the idiot thought he was in no danger, lead the police away and they will stop him and ask him a few questions and then let him go. how wrong he was haha


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