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Postby 84-1106852058 » Sat Jul 23, 2005 6:36 am

Garymac wrote:
Afroman wrote:Does anyone know why the cops shot the guy 5 times

To make sure he is dead, this guy is a suspected suicide bomber and they was right to put that many bullets in him......AFroman u sound like your defending the guy, what the :censored: that all about???

I couldnt give a Donald how many bullets they put into them as long as the kill the bast4rds.The police are operating in very dangerous circumstances,and Ifor one think they deserve a pat on the back.I must admit usually Ithink some of our policing leaves a lot to be desired,but at times like this we should be grateful for the speed at witch the investigation is progressing My only complaint is they seem to be treading on eggshells when talking to the press,frightend of upsetting anyone.

Members of the Muslim communities must stand up and be counted,they are British subjects just like me.I watched an
interesting programme on Sky news last night,the audience in the studio was 95% Muslim.We all know who detonated the bombs a fortnight ago,but most of those who spoke blamed
Bush and Blair.Whatever the rights and wrongs of the war in Iraq,this is insulting our inteligence.

Over the next few days we will no doubt hear reports of heavy handed tactics from the police in Muslim communities,
this is no time for a softly softly approach,if information is recieved it must be acted upon.

This is multi cultural society we are lucky enough to live in with the same rights for all,no matter what colour or religion
and freedom of speech for everyone.

I HAVE NO PROBLEM with the vast majority of Muslims in this country,but surely the time has come for the Elders in the Mosques to let it be known that the preaching and rhetoric, of Abbu Hannsa and the likes can not be tolerated.
Last edited by The Red Baron on Sat Jul 23, 2005 6:52 am, edited 1 time in total.

Postby Ciggy » Sat Jul 23, 2005 8:10 am

The Red Baron wrote:
Garymac wrote:
Afroman wrote:Does anyone know why the cops shot the guy 5 times

To make sure he is dead, this guy is a suspected suicide bomber and they was right to put that many bullets in him......AFroman u sound like your defending the guy, what the :censored: that all about???

I couldnt give a Donald how many bullets they put into them as long as the kill the bast4rds.The police are operating in very dangerous circumstances,and Ifor one think they deserve a pat on the back.I must admit usually Ithink some of our policing leaves a lot to be desired,but at times like this we should be grateful for the speed at witch the investigation is progressing My only complaint is they seem to be treading on eggshells when talking to the press,frightend of upsetting anyone.

Members of the Muslim communities must stand up and be counted,they are British subjects just like me.I watched an
interesting programme on Sky news last night,the audience in the studio was 95% Muslim.We all know who detonated the bombs a fortnight ago,but most of those who spoke blamed
Bush and Blair.Whatever the rights and wrongs of the war in Iraq,this is insulting our inteligence.

Over the next few days we will no doubt hear reports of heavy handed tactics from the police in Muslim communities,
this is no time for a softly softly approach,if information is recieved it must be acted upon.

This is multi cultural society we are lucky enough to live in with the same rights for all,no matter what colour or religion
and freedom of speech for everyone.

I HAVE NO PROBLEM with the vast majority of Muslims in this country,but surely the time has come for the Elders in the Mosques to let it be known that the preaching and rhetoric, of Abbu Hannsa and the likes can not be tolerated.

Hear Hear well said RB.
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Postby dward » Sat Jul 23, 2005 9:49 am

cisses_gona_get_ya wrote:
The Red Baron wrote:
Garymac wrote:
Afroman wrote:Does anyone know why the cops shot the guy 5 times

To make sure he is dead, this guy is a suspected suicide bomber and they was right to put that many bullets in him......AFroman u sound like your defending the guy, what the :censored: that all about???

I couldnt give a Donald how many bullets they put into them as long as the kill the bast4rds.The police are operating in very dangerous circumstances,and Ifor one think they deserve a pat on the back.I must admit usually Ithink some of our policing leaves a lot to be desired,but at times like this we should be grateful for the speed at witch the investigation is progressing My only complaint is they seem to be treading on eggshells when talking to the press,frightend of upsetting anyone.

Members of the Muslim communities must stand up and be counted,they are British subjects just like me.I watched an
interesting programme on Sky news last night,the audience in the studio was 95% Muslim.We all know who detonated the bombs a fortnight ago,but most of those who spoke blamed
Bush and Blair.Whatever the rights and wrongs of the war in Iraq,this is insulting our inteligence.

Over the next few days we will no doubt hear reports of heavy handed tactics from the police in Muslim communities,
this is no time for a softly softly approach,if information is recieved it must be acted upon.

This is multi cultural society we are lucky enough to live in with the same rights for all,no matter what colour or religion
and freedom of speech for everyone.

I HAVE NO PROBLEM with the vast majority of Muslims in this country,but surely the time has come for the Elders in the Mosques to let it be known that the preaching and rhetoric, of Abbu Hannsa and the likes can not be tolerated.

Hear Hear well said RB.

I'll second that

well said....good post
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Postby woof woof ! » Sat Jul 23, 2005 12:54 pm

As a white british non muslim I do have sympathy for the law abiding muslims who have no connection whatsoever with terrorist acts and yet are viewed with suspiscion by the non muslim population. Having said that, surely followers of Islam must realise that their expressions of regret over terrorsist activity in this country that are seemingly always followed by the statement "but look whats going on in Iraq and Afghanistan" hardly suggests a 100% condemnation of said activities.
Countless times I have seen and heard Muslims on tv referring to "our Muslim brothers in Iraq" (or Afghanistan or Palistine) . That suggests to me that non muslims in this country are indeed not seen as "brothers" i:e "family" .
We are living in the 21st century NOT the 12th. I respect another persons faith and right to practice it ,but when the chips are down I expect all inhabitants of this country to put our country before their faith and consider the people that live here as their "brother" irrespective of what ,church,mosque temple or synagogue he chooses to worship at .
In time of war choosing to give support of any description to those that would attack this country be it only vocal would find you thrown in prison for a very long time and to take up arms against you fellow citizens would result in the traitor being put up against a wall and shot.
We are at war and there are NO excuses .

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Postby JBG » Sat Jul 23, 2005 1:02 pm

But is it not the case - and I'm afraid that I'm making a generalisation here - that Muslims do not have the same sense of "country" as Europeans have (even in these confusing days of a stuttering EU).

The idea of a "state" in the Middle East is largely a modern and artificial conception, and a brotherhood based on faith and not statehood is what most Muslims seem to believe in.

Is that not part of the problem in Britain?
Last edited by JBG on Sat Jul 23, 2005 1:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby woof woof ! » Sat Jul 23, 2005 1:38 pm

To a degree ,yes . But I have found many many muslims in Afghanistan ,Iran , Turkey ,Morocco Saudi Arabia , etc extremely proud of their national identity . The nub of my post is essentially that muslims put their religious identity first. This in itself creates a division within a predominately non muslim society Many seem to regard a  fellow muslim living 5000 miles away as being part of their family whereas the christian,hindu or jew living next door is still just a neighbour . How else do you explain western born muslims travelling thousands of miles to fight against troops from their own country of birth.
Last edited by woof woof ! on Sat Jul 23, 2005 1:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby zarababe » Sat Jul 23, 2005 2:07 pm

woof woof ! wrote:... Having said that, surely followers of Islam must realise that their expressions of regret over terrorsist activity in this country that are seemingly always followed by the statement "but look whats going on in Iraq and Afghanistan" hardly suggests a 100% condemnation of said activities.

.. although it has to be said that inevitably the 'causes' that these extremist bas*rds use to recruit are fuelled by the situations in palestine, Iraq and Afghanistan... ..these people are fanatical sh*theads.. who choose to misinterprate the teachings of Islam to justify there actions..

.. the problem is not just about the majority of law abiding Muslims dispelling extremism and dealing with extremist preachers etc.. (though it is clearly required) .. at the moment there are no boundaries to the terror.. everyone is shocked and all communities in the world are under threat including muslims.. Edgware Road is at the heart of the Arab community while Aldgate is in the Bengali community.. this terror is now being waged on all indiscriminately.... the fact that people are now blowing themselves up and are living amongst us..  beggers the question .. what has driven people to do this?..

... it's not about understanding.. it's about how can we stop these evil people recruiting to their 'causes'... what must happen for the fire in their 'cause' to be extinguished...?
Last edited by zarababe on Sat Jul 23, 2005 2:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.



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Postby 84-1106852058 » Sat Jul 23, 2005 2:08 pm

woof woof ! wrote:To a degree ,yes . But I have found many many muslims in Afghanistan ,Iran , Turkey ,Morocco Saudi Arabia , etc extremely proud of their national identity . The nub of my post is essentially that muslims put their religious identity first. This in itself creates a division within a predominately non muslim society Many seem to regard a  fellow muslim living 5000 miles away as being part of their family whereas the christian,hindu or jew living next door is still just a neighbour . How else do you explain western born muslims travelling thousands of miles to fight against troops from their own country of birth.

I stated earlier that we live in a multi cultural society,on reflection this is only true to a certain extent.This can only be achieved by people intergrating into our society.As you say woof,many muslims in our cities,believe they have more in common with a Muslim living in a remote village than someone born in the same city.

For me intergration is the key.We dont declare ourselves as British Protestants/Catholics we are just British, as are Muslim people born here.I agree with you Woof, and its time for the British people to unite, be they catholic,protestant,muslim or jew and show these fanatics that we stand as one.

Postby zarababe » Sat Jul 23, 2005 2:14 pm

woof woof ! wrote:To a degree ,yes . But I have found many many muslims in Afghanistan ,Iran , Turkey ,Morocco Saudi Arabia , etc extremely proud of their national identity . The nub of my post is essentially that muslims put their religious identity first. This in itself creates a division within a predominately non muslim society Many seem to regard a  fellow muslim living 5000 miles away as being part of their family whereas the christian,hindu or jew living next door is still just a neighbour . How else do you explain western born muslims travelling thousands of miles to fight against troops from their own country of birth.

.. Your right Woof.. in Islam there is not really a concept of nationality .. rather a common Islamic identity / bond borne out of shared Islamic values and standards,.. which in theory at least creates a common identity.. of course national identities and customs inevitably create diffrence and divisions ...  However defending your own community or country and protecting the country of your birth is also someting that Islam supports..
Last edited by zarababe on Sat Jul 23, 2005 2:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.



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Postby 76-1115222408 » Sat Jul 23, 2005 5:54 pm

The Red Baron wrote:
Garymac wrote:
Afroman wrote:Does anyone know why the cops shot the guy 5 times

To make sure he is dead, this guy is a suspected suicide bomber and they was right to put that many bullets in him......AFroman u sound like your defending the guy, what the :censored: that all about???

I couldnt give a Donald how many bullets they put into them as long as the kill the bast4rds.

Police are now saying that the man shoy yesterday was NOT connected to the failed bombings on Thursady.
I only just heard this on the radio, so if anyone else has heard this, can you clarify for me whether this guy WAS a terrorist suspect nonetheless, or was he killed through being WRONGLY identified??

Postby 76-1115222408 » Sat Jul 23, 2005 6:03 pm

Yep this guy was NOT connected to the attacks. I know this is still the Terrorists fault, because if it was not for their recent actions the Police wouldnt be roaming with guns willy nilly!!

However at the same time, it proves that he should not have been shot that many times with a view to kill. I am not saying dont shoot him, but shoot to incapacitate. I mean this MUST be possible if the SO19 (gun) squad have been trained properly!!!

This is very disturbing. :(
Last edited by 76-1115222408 on Sat Jul 23, 2005 6:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Postby Ciggy » Sat Jul 23, 2005 6:31 pm

Not really he was on the terrorist watch list so serves him right one less terrorist to carry out attacks in Britain, I dont give a if the police kill them all. Instead of tax payers money keeping them in prison they want to die anyway so it doesnt matter.
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Postby 66-1120597113 » Sat Jul 23, 2005 6:36 pm

Sounds like he was'nt connected with the bombings!The police are saying they regret it happened now.But he did he not stop when asked!Why??

Suppose its hard to say what your reaction would be,being chased by men with guns!
Poor fella!Another waste of life sounds like

Postby woof woof ! » Sat Jul 23, 2005 6:39 pm

Here we fking go  :angry:

A guy gets shot fleeing from armed government agents and immediatley people start climbing into our security forces .

Considering whats happened in central London in the past two weeks I would ask why any law abiding indiividual would continue  to leg it when pursued by armed government agents . Maybe the fella was only a minor criminal (drug dealer ,failed asylum seeker or something else ? ) eager to evade questioning by the authorities . Do I give a sh'it ? .......... NO !  . In the present climate I give my full support to those who are trying to protect us.

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Postby Ciggy » Sat Jul 23, 2005 6:43 pm

What about them poor souls in Sharm El Shiekh ffs, that was really awful, why are they killing thier own? This is only the beginning Its going to get an awful lot worse :(
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