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Postby Ciggy » Thu Jul 21, 2005 7:07 pm

Well last night I watched 9/11 Farenheit and I could not f@ckin believe what I watched. :angry:
I cannot beleive that that f@ckin horrible snake George friggen bush actually had business dealing with the Bin Laden family :angry: . All the flights in the USA where grounded but Bush arranged for 20 private planes to ship the Bin Laden family out the USA for there own safety without being questioned ???
He also done business with the Taliban in 2001 inviting them to the headquarters of Enron so they could build a pipe line from Afganistan through a few countries without the talibans permission this would not have been possible.
He gave Bin Laden a 2 month head start to escape from Afganistan and all he kept repeating was Saddam Hussain is responsible. Why was this? Cause he got rich on the Bin Laden familys money what a c*nt :angry: .
Michael Moore who made that documentary/film really opened my eyes to an awful lot of things I cant believe it.
The american soldiers in Iraq hate Bush's guts and I dont blame them they are recruiting from poor areas in the USA bringing young black men into the army to go to Iraq and get killed for f@ck all, the poor Iraqy kids blown to smithereens there burned bodies 100s of them dumped in trucks.
It is no wonder we are under attack now, because Blair is Bush's right hand man.

Our imigration service needs a good looking at we dont know whos walking round Britain, but if you take war to poor countries they will bring the war to us with only there bodies as weapons.
Something seriously needs to be done and A.S.A.P. if there are further attacks in the UK it is going to end up a blood bath, and no one wants that, them who flee war to come to Britain should be doing everything to stop our country becoming like the one they have fleed from.
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Postby 66-1120597113 » Thu Jul 21, 2005 7:20 pm

This getting tedious lads! Think about it !This is exactly the type of thing terrorism aims to promote!People arguing about race,colour or religion!A human being is a human being full stop!And does it really matter wether asians class themselves as black etc?? The only people on the planet that deserve looked down on are Everton and Man u fans:)

Postby woof woof ! » Thu Jul 21, 2005 7:23 pm

LIVERPOOLANYTIME wrote:And you are right about the Indians from the south, as i am sure Bangladeshi's are often 'very dark' too, but both i wouldnt consider as 'black'....MY DAD is 'black', and I have still to see a 'black' person from central or far eastern asia.

I still would like evidence of an 'asian' (India etc;) that looks 'black' like a person from say the Congo, or Sierre Leone or Ghana or even Egypt along with much of South America and the West Indies!!

It is not about where you are from, but rather about how much melanin is in your skin, and for me South Asians etc; do not have enough to be considered black (when i say 'black' obvioulsy we know that NOBODY is actually black, but in the general sense that we ALL use the word to describe people of such; the Wind Rushers of the 50's/60's etc;)

Also being able to call them black because they are 'african' is very stertypical IMO....Its the same as saying, that tanned person is British, but should i consider him as 'white' ? (based on the same value that most in africa ARE black, and most of the UK population is 'white')  it is just stupid in my opinion!!

If my question, "are you saying only people of ethnic african origin can be legitimately described as black ?" is confusing you , imagine how confused I am at some of the content of your response.

The first quote above infers that irrespective of "hue" you would not consider a person from asia as being black . Hence my assumption that you interpret someone described as black as being of african origin.

The second quote really throws me as many people  from Egypt and South America  in fact look far closer to asian and middle eastern people  than they do to the inhabitants of (in your example ) West Africa .

In you third quote you say.
" it's not where your from but how much melanin" etc etc (OK I'm with you on that) , but you then go on to use the afro caribbean "windrushers" as an example , surely that is location specific ?

In the forth quote you say "calling them black because they're african is very stereotypical ".

:laugh: Now you've lost me completely ,I can only refer you to your earlier quote where you use african people as an example of what black is.

"still would like evidence of an 'asian' (India etc;) that looks 'black' like a person from say the Congo, or Sierre Leone or Ghana "

Feel like i'm going round in circles ,your post is so full of self contradiction that I suspect you're even more confused by your ramblings than I am.
Last edited by woof woof ! on Thu Jul 21, 2005 8:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Ciggy » Thu Jul 21, 2005 7:32 pm

One of the bombers from two weeks ago was Jamican  ??? So he was (black) Ive been on a few holidays to muslim countries and a lot of people there where black even though they where egyptian, Tunisian, but they didnt look asian they looked like they where from the west indies.
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Postby woof woof ! » Thu Jul 21, 2005 7:45 pm

I agree Cig, I've travelled from  Morocco to Saudi Arabia and seen loads of people that you would normally associate with people of sub saharan africa ,I also saw loads of people that were identical to those I saw on my travels in India ,Pakistan,Afghanistan and Iran .  :)

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Postby 76-1115222408 » Thu Jul 21, 2005 10:08 pm

In you third quote you say.
" it's not where your from but how much melanin" etc etc (OK I'm with you on that) , but you then go on to use the afro caribbean "windrushers" as an example , surely that is location specific ?

Got me on that Woof (was at footy btw). :p  As i wrote it i thought you would pick up on that ( see i knew you were NOT stupid :D ).

I am not saying asians cannot be black, but i am saying the 'usual' look that you would associate with them is NOT black. I am sure we must be able to agree on that. Also my dad is Black but is from Egypt. so as i said, it DOESNT matter where you are from.....If you are Black, then you are black, thats all!!!

If i see a 'black' indian then fair enough, i would consider him as 'black' but as of yet i have not seen this!!

Anyway barrybelfast is right, this is exactly what the terrorists want, US arguing over nothing really. So lets just leave it here Woof.

What Cggy says is exactly what i am talking about, you can be Moroccan, Tunisian or egyptian for example but be black........Just have not seen any 'black' asians that all.

Postby 76-1115222408 » Thu Jul 21, 2005 10:10 pm

cisses_gona_get_ya wrote:Well last night I watched 9/11 Farenheit and I could not f@ckin believe what I watched. :angry:
I cannot beleive that that f@ckin horrible snake George friggen bush actually had business dealing with the Bin Laden family :angry: . All the flights in the USA where grounded but Bush arranged for 20 private planes to ship the Bin Laden family out the USA for there own safety without being questioned ???
He also done business with the Taliban in 2001 inviting them to the headquarters of Enron so they could build a pipe line from Afganistan through a few countries without the talibans permission this would not have been possible.
He gave Bin Laden a 2 month head start to escape from Afganistan and all he kept repeating was Saddam Hussain is responsible. Why was this? Cause he got rich on the Bin Laden familys money what a c*nt :angry: .
Michael Moore who made that documentary/film really opened my eyes to an awful lot of things I cant believe it.
The american soldiers in Iraq hate Bush's guts and I dont blame them they are recruiting from poor areas in the USA bringing young black men into the army to go to Iraq and get killed for f@ck all, the poor Iraqy kids blown to smithereens there burned bodies 100s of them dumped in trucks.
It is no wonder we are under attack now, because Blair is Bush's right hand man.

Our imigration service needs a good looking at we dont know whos walking round Britain, but if you take war to poor countries they will bring the war to us with only there bodies as weapons.
Something seriously needs to be done and A.S.A.P. if there are further attacks in the UK it is going to end up a blood bath, and no one wants that, them who flee war to come to Britain should be doing everything to stop our country becoming like the one they have fleed from.


I knew people would look at things differently (slightly of course!) if they see this docufilm.

CGGY if you liked that, watch 'Bowling for Columbine'

Same director and same story - but this one relates to guns and black people etc;

Postby woof woof ! » Thu Jul 21, 2005 11:01 pm

LIVERPOOLANYTIME wrote:Just have not seen any 'black' asians that all.

Thats probably because you haven't been to Trivandrum ,Cochin or Mahalibalipuram .


Enjoyed the exchange anyway mate ,even if it did make my head hurt .  :D   :D   :D

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Postby neilE » Thu Jul 21, 2005 11:02 pm

Both those Michael Moore films should be shown in all schools. Every adult should make a point of watching - even if you assume that some of what he is saying is exaggerated for the sake of a story, there's plenty of sickening solid facts left. Do any of the American based posters on here have a perspective on that? Could anyone watch those films and still vote for Bush?
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Postby 66-1120597113 » Thu Jul 21, 2005 11:20 pm

Still vote bush? It wouldnt matter who they voted in the states!They live life like its the movies man!Name another country that wud for example vote Arnie as governor of a state/county?Its sick!Arnie has the power to grant permission as to gets the death penalty or who gets a reprieve!The terminator in full effect.Its a mad country!

Postby Guido the Killer Pimp » Thu Jul 21, 2005 11:39 pm

We would all do well to remember that as humourous, entertaining, captivating and perversely persuasive Michael Moore can be, his primary aim in his film-making is not to discredit the Bush administration or American gun culture. In fact it would appear Michael Moores' primary concern when he is making films is to publicise and deify Michael Moore, sometimes by any means necessary, often utilising what could be politely referred to as "artistic licence"

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Postby 76-1115222408 » Fri Jul 22, 2005 2:15 am

woof woof ! wrote:
LIVERPOOLANYTIME wrote:Just have not seen any 'black' asians that all.

Thats probably because you haven't been to Trivandrum ,Cochin or Mahalibalipuram .


Nah I have not been to any of those places (yet!!) and can only just about pronounce the third FFS!!!   :laugh:   :D

Enjoyed the exchange anyway mate ,even if it did make my head hurt .

You know me Woof, anytime mate, anytime!!!!  :;):   :eyebrow


Postby A.B. » Fri Jul 22, 2005 4:23 am

They live life like its the movies man!

Yeah all people in the US have Bentley's and million dollar houses........
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Postby Judge » Fri Jul 22, 2005 8:09 am

woof woof ! wrote:I agree Cig, I've travelled from  Morocco to Saudi Arabia and seen loads of people that you would normally associate with people of sub saharan africa ,I also saw loads of people that were identical to those I saw on my travels in India ,Pakistan,Afghanistan and Iran .  :)

me too. in cairo some of the population there are almost white, in fact i asked one of them once if he was actually egyptian, he replied ''Iawa'' (arabic for yes), then as i went to luxor (where i taught and lived), there were folk from nubia, who were totally black. then you have those who are somewhere in between and look, as liverpoolanytime says, asian.

so i understand your points woof.

now i'm confused  :D

anyway, it just goes to show we cant catagorise people like this, after all, we are all Homo Sapiens.

perhaps some folk on here should log onto the National Geographic site where they are conducting a study entitled ''the genographic project''.
it will allow people to send in a swab of DNA from there mouth for analysis, this will determine where your ancestors were from. I dont just mean out of africa theory, i mean our recent ancient ancestors etc. it could be interesting.

then perhaps ''liverpoolanytime'' may find his ancestors came from syria or something??

apparantly it takes 1000 generations for a population to change from there native look to that of where they are living, that means that current ethnic population in this country, in time, would change to look like everyone else. that depends on those popualtions not marrying outside the country etc. it works both ways also for us going and settlin elsewhere in the world.

so in essence, we are one people. so lets stop the violence??
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Postby woof woof ! » Fri Jul 22, 2005 9:44 am

The Return of the Judge wrote:we are all Homo Sapiens.

Whadaya mean by  "we" ? .speak for yourself   :angry:

:D   :D   :D

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