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Postby Ciggy » Fri Jul 08, 2005 7:31 am

What a load of tosh, to even sugest it was a conspriacy theory, the terrorist have done what they set out to achieve, and that is to put terror into people that is why they are called terroists in the first place.
I would'nt be a bit suprised if them just released from Guan Tanamo base, who are back living in Birmingham are behind it, they said they would get revenge and lets face it they wernt very clever either to be honest, as the death toll could have been much much higher.
They should also be sent back to where they came from, if you are born in this country and defect to Iraq, Afganistan or Pakistan to fight Jihad against the west they should not be back aloud into Britain.
Also that statement yesterday from that website might be a hoax, but if it wasnt there argument is flawed as it said 9/11 and yesterday was for the war in Iraq and Afganistan, when them wars happened after 9/11 the most horendous attrocity ever in my eyes.
Last edited by Ciggy on Fri Jul 08, 2005 11:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby ALONSO_14 » Fri Jul 08, 2005 8:09 am

f*ckin hate people who come up with these conspiracy theories. have some respect. this was only the work of terrorists
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Postby Judge » Fri Jul 08, 2005 8:15 am

where did i put my gun :angry:

down with terror

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Postby 76-1115222408 » Fri Jul 08, 2005 8:41 am

cisses_gona_get_ya wrote:but if it wasnt there argument is flawed as it said 9/11 and yesterday was for the war in Iraq and Afganistan, when them wars happened after 9/11 the most horendous attrocity ever in my eyes.

They are evacuationg EUSTON station NOW!!! 
Just leaving home, ruuning late, so I will be back later   :p

Postby Woollyback » Fri Jul 08, 2005 9:30 am

Liverpool anytime, I normally quite like your posts and until this I thought you had your head screwed on but no, this has to be the biggest pile of pure, unadulterated, fantastical nonsense I've heard since the loch ness monster  :rasp
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Postby Honolulu Bob » Fri Jul 08, 2005 9:43 am

LIVERPOOLANYTIME wrote:*The government is (in collaboration with the media companies) trying to dumb down the nation,

And if an idiot like you is graduating from University then the  government must have succeeded in dumbing down the nation beyond their wildest dreams.
Congratulations you have just written without doubt the most moronic post I have ever read on any forum anywhere!

I'm :censored: gobsmacked!  :D
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Postby hawkmoon269 » Fri Jul 08, 2005 9:56 am

peewee wrote:well i have found the first flaw in your argument about terrorists attacking landmarks, all i will say is madrid train bombing. then we can get to the IRA who dont attack landmarks.

the attacks were aimed ay disruption and they achieved the aim.

to be honest i am amazed you have posted this drivel and i think you may have had too much wacky backy. i think you should go away and think about your post as i really dont have time to do through each ridiculous point you make as i have a plane to catch

Agreed PeeWee.  Terriorist, by the very definition of the word, terrorize.  By attacking the transport infrastructure, they cause the maximum psychological damage to the populus.  They can't attack parliament, because they are too heavily protected.  So they choose the next best thing, us, the people who elected the parliament, and so equally guilty.

Look at the effect it had, central London came to a standstill.  Even today, work will not come back to normal.

Look at the media, for 24 hours now it is constantly on air, showing it.  Giving the terrorists what they want - publicity for their "cause".

LIVERPOOLANYTIME, I was like you when I came out of University, a cynic - I wouldn't even believe what was glarringly obvious.  But that's what Uni teaches you, to question everything.  I'm not saying I totally disagree with you, for we all know that international governments and politics, is a murky area, of plots, lies, counterplots, dirty tricks, etc.
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Postby mistyred » Fri Jul 08, 2005 10:02 am

Jesus christ what's the world coming to, i don't live in london anymore but my family do and my daughter lives in west london and goes to school close to the centre of london, i had tears in my eyes as myself wife and family sat around the telly panicking.

Rang my sister in law in Brixton she saiud they had found a bomb in stockwell park station,
my niece was sent home from school, My daughter was just coming home when i phoned her THANK GOD! and my mother was coming back through the city after work she said it was grid lock.

God bless all those involved in the tragic avents we must not forget and never surrender
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Postby woof woof ! » Fri Jul 08, 2005 11:46 am

Opinions please .

Mrs Woof works in the hotel industry (deputy departmental mgr) ,her Hotel is in the "City" of London , about half a mile from the Aldgate explosion,yesterday she came home visibly upset . At about 11:30 am her boss (40 yr old tw'at in a suit ) called her on the in house phone and told her her a guest had reported a suspect package in the corridor on the 3rd floor ,would she "go up and sort it out " . The inspection of suspect packages is is a frequent task when you work in the transport /hotel /catering and entertainment industry especially in London ,but as it was less than two-three hours after the London explosions Mrs woof was naturally terrified but (stupidly imo) carried out the assigned duty.

my question , Should Mrs Woof resign or should she wait until after I've gone round and kicked her bosses head in ?    :angry:
Last edited by woof woof ! on Fri Jul 08, 2005 11:48 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Ciggy » Fri Jul 08, 2005 11:54 am

woof woof ! wrote:Opinions please .

Mrs Woof works in the hotel industry (deputy departmental mgr) ,her Hotel is in the "City" of London , about half a mile from the Aldgate explosion,yesterday she came home visibly upset . At about 11:30 am her boss (40 yr old tw'at in a suit ) called her on the in house phone and told her her a guest had reported a suspect package in the corridor on the 3rd floor ,would she "go up and sort it out " . The inspection of suspect packages is is a frequent task when you work in the transport /hotel /catering and entertainment industry especially in London ,but as it was less than two-three hours after the London explosions Mrs woof was naturally terrified but (stupidly imo) carried out the assigned duty.

my question , Should Mrs Woof resign or should she wait until after I've gone round and kicked her bosses head in ?    :angry:

You should go round and kick his head in woof :angry:
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Postby drummerphil » Fri Jul 08, 2005 11:54 am

wouldnt suprise me if those who did it were born here,i bet eventually they are linked to Stoke or wolverhampton  or around those areas
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Postby dawson99 » Fri Jul 08, 2005 11:56 am

drummerphil wrote:wouldnt suprise me if those who did it were born here,i bet eventually they are linked to Stoke or wolverhampton  or around those areas

thats very presumptious mate.

all i can say is the people that did this are total wronguns and need to be dealt with.

luckily my friends in the area were all ok, shaken up, some walking along train tracks, but all ok.

my thoughts are with everyone on this.

On a good note it was excellant to see the bulldog spirit. people back on trains and buses this morning. made me proud
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Postby drummerphil » Fri Jul 08, 2005 11:58 am

it may be,but it came out last year that Saddam Husseins sister was living in stoke,you never know whos on your door step
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Postby drummerphil » Fri Jul 08, 2005 12:09 pm

ok maybe i,m wrong,saying it could be someone from Stoke or Wolverhampton...etc etc.......

but like i said i live close to a huge Asian community,and although i,m not racist how can anyone be certain who your living close too.
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Postby Fowler_E7 » Fri Jul 08, 2005 1:05 pm

The Return of the Judge wrote:where did i put my gun :angry:

down with terror

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down with terror, maybe if we stop blowing up other peoples countrys that might help  ??? just a thought like.
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