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Postby dawson99 » Wed Jun 13, 2007 11:12 pm

LFC2007 wrote:
dawson99 wrote:we dont force them., they chose to work in a place where they fricking knew there would be smoke. if they dont like then they are in the wrong job my friend.

They dirty habit of smoking should not force them ino another job purely because smokers can't be fecked to go outside to smoke.

The balance is wrong, the balance should unquestionably be in favour of protecting the individual. They should not have to suffer the physical effects due to someone else's intolerance.

you are not listening. certain jobs have always required certain things:

butchers have to deal with meat
air host(esses) have to deal with flying
waiters/bar stewards had to deal with smoke

But now the government is again folding to the rpessure said by a small group of non smoking nonces. I personally cant stand kids in restaurants. they shout, scream, most parents are clueless at looking after them, they think its just funny. whereas me and most others wanna go postal and shoot the place up... gonna ban the kids?

i dont wanna see some fat mum breast feeding her kid next to me while im eating some fresh salmon, but she can.

Absoluttely everything now seems to have to be controlled by our nanny state, its a disgrace
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Postby LFC2007 » Wed Jun 13, 2007 11:13 pm

s@int wrote:Acute administration of low doses of nicotine improved mental processes and may be protective in AD.

Nicotine is ONE chemical in ciggarettes. The others are deadly in low doses, high doses, moderation whenever wherever, they are harmful.
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Postby account deleted by request » Wed Jun 13, 2007 11:16 pm

Smoking in moderation also does not. Independent studies have Shown CONCLUSIVELY that smoking one or two cigs a day is a positive benefit to your health.

Try checking your facts :D
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Postby LFC2007 » Wed Jun 13, 2007 11:17 pm

dawson99 wrote:
LFC2007 wrote:
dawson99 wrote:we dont force them., they chose to work in a place where they fricking knew there would be smoke. if they dont like then they are in the wrong job my friend.

They dirty habit of smoking should not force them ino another job purely because smokers can't be fecked to go outside to smoke.

The balance is wrong, the balance should unquestionably be in favour of protecting the individual. They should not have to suffer the physical effects due to someone else's intolerance.

you are not listening. certain jobs have always required certain things:

butchers have to deal with meat
air host(esses) have to deal with flying
waiters/bar stewards had to deal with smoke

But now the government is again folding to the rpessure said by a small group of non smoking nonces. I personally cant stand kids in restaurants. they shout, scream, most parents are clueless at looking after them, they think its just funny. whereas me and most others wanna go postal and shoot the place up... gonna ban the kids?

i dont wanna see some fat mum breast feeding her kid next to me while im eating some fresh salmon, but she can.

Absoluttely everything now seems to have to be controlled by our nanny state, its a disgrace

I think you're missing the point, meat doesn't harm a customer when they visit the butchers, an air hostess wouldn't be in that job if they didn't like flying.

Smoke kills, it kills people.

Why should they have to accept it?

Because historically people have had a fag and a beer in the pub?

It's a crude argument.

Kids don't harm people like cigarettes, they don't KILL people each year.

There are more non-smokers in this country than Smokers, it's not some "small group". It is a huge movement and the trend is increasing.
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Postby LFC2007 » Wed Jun 13, 2007 11:19 pm

s@int wrote:Smoking in moderation also does not. Independent studies have Shown CONCLUSIVELY that smoking one or two cigs a day is a positive benefit to your health.

Try checking your facts :D

I know my facts, you are completely and utterly wrong. Nicotine is ONE chemical that may be beneficial, the other 100 chemicals atre deadly. Arsenick healthy, get real, check your facts.
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Postby dawson99 » Wed Jun 13, 2007 11:21 pm

sorry but u r being a nob!

people who work in pubs know the risks... if they dont like smoke why the f*ck work in a pub? they have choice, thats the reason we live in a democratic country..we have choice!!!

u drive me mad mate by not listening. if i was not a smoker, i would not work in a place where i knew there would be smoke.

arachanphobia sufferers dont work with spiders, dont u get it?

me and saint arent saying the ban is good or bad, we are saying our choice has been taking away. our civil liberties if you like. my grandad didnt die fighting the nazis for this government to tell us that we cant smoke whilst sipping a well earned beer!!!
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Postby shanks72 » Wed Jun 13, 2007 11:23 pm

dawson99 wrote:
dawson99 wrote:i dont wanna see some fat mum breast feeding her kid next to me while im eating some fresh salmon, but she can.

Don't even go there...

breast feeding is the most natural thing.... :D

Why can't you smokers understand that when you smoke in a public place you are affecting the health of the people around you whether they like it or not.

You have a choice to smoke or not to smoke.

I would like to have that choice as well..but if I am working or socialising and there are smokers around then I am firmly denied a choice..

And that is definately wrong...

I am being forced to breath in your cigarette smoke...

Where's the choice in that?..

Oh it's alright for you smokers as long as you are accommodated then to hell with everyone else.

Your smoking kills other people who don't want to breathe it in and soon it will be banned...so get over it...
Last edited by shanks72 on Wed Jun 13, 2007 11:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby dawson99 » Wed Jun 13, 2007 11:25 pm

so shanks, would u ever go out with a smoker?
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Postby account deleted by request » Wed Jun 13, 2007 11:27 pm

LFC2007 wrote:
s@int wrote:Smoking in moderation also does not. Independent studies have Shown CONCLUSIVELY that smoking one or two cigs a day is a positive benefit to your health.

Try checking your facts :D

I know my facts, you are completely and utterly wrong. Nicotine is ONE chemical that may be beneficial, the other 100 chemicals atre deadly. Arsenick healthy, get real, check your facts.

In the 18th century Arsenic was taken as a benefit to health. People used to become addicted to it. It is present in Bread,
Meats,Starchy vegetables,Cereals,Fish. Like fluride it is a poison, and like fluride it is used in water.

Arsenic is known best as a deadly poison, although in small doses it does have medical benefits. BBC News Online looks at the workings of the chemical infamous for its deadly effects. Small doses of arsenic have been shown to send some forms of cancer into remission, and it can also help thin blood.

Homeopathists have also used undetectable amounts of it to cure stomach cramps.

How This Mineral Works in Your Body:
It is not clear how arsenic works in the body exactly
Supplementation is generally NOT required
Treats some digestive problems
Toxicity can occur if doses large than 250 mcg are taken a day. Most diets have about 140 mcg per day.
May assist in methionine metabolism
Last edited by account deleted by request on Wed Jun 13, 2007 11:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby LFC2007 » Wed Jun 13, 2007 11:27 pm

dawson99 wrote:sorry but u r being a nob!

people who work in pubs know the risks... if they dont like smoke why the f*ck work in a pub? they have choice, thats the reason we live in a democratic country..we have choice!!!

u drive me mad mate by not listening. if i was not a smoker, i would not work in a place where i knew there would be smoke.

arachanphobia sufferers dont work with spiders, dont u get it?

me and saint arent saying the ban is good or bad, we are saying our choice has been taking away. our civil liberties if you like. my grandad didnt die fighting the nazis for this government to tell us that we cant smoke whilst sipping a well earned beer!!!

I think you're being a nob.

So if there's a village in Northumberland and there is one pub within 50 miles of the next.

Where do people go?

Where are their rights?

Do workers not have the CHOICE whether to work in a bar, is that not a FREEDOM they should be entitled to?

Are they not allowed their RIGHT?

Is it so difficult to prise your backside from that pub bench and go outside?

Are smokers that lazy and inconsiderate of other people's health?
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Postby dawson99 » Wed Jun 13, 2007 11:30 pm

ok, one of the locals in my pub. hes gotta be 90. he was in world war 2. he actually stormed normandy (or so he says) hes now in a wheelchair. virtually no pension. but he loves his bitter and a few ciggies.

now someones gotta wheel him out onto the street so he can smoke? something hes been doing for 75 years?

F*ck off.
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Postby LFC2007 » Wed Jun 13, 2007 11:31 pm

s@int wrote:
LFC2007 wrote:
s@int wrote:Smoking in moderation also does not. Independent studies have Shown CONCLUSIVELY that smoking one or two cigs a day is a positive benefit to your health.

Try checking your facts :D

I know my facts, you are completely and utterly wrong. Nicotine is ONE chemical that may be beneficial, the other 100 chemicals atre deadly. Arsenick healthy, get real, check your facts.

In the 18th century Arsenic was taken as a benefit to health. People used to become addicted to it. It is present in Bread,
Meats,Starchy vegetables,Cereals,Fish. Like fluride it is a poison, and like fluride it is used in water.

Arsenic is known best as a deadly poison, although in small doses it does have medical benefits. BBC News Online looks at the workings of the chemical infamous for its deadly effects. Small doses of arsenic have been shown to send some forms of cancer into remission, and it can also help thin blood.

Homeopathists have also used undetectable amounts of it to cure stomach cramps.

Ok, how about:

Acetone is one of the chemicals in cigarettes. Acetone is used as solvent, for example in nail polish remover.

Benzene which is used as an industrial solvent in fuel, dyes, synthetic rubbers, etc. Known to cause cancer in humans, benzene is particularly linked with leukaemia.

Cadmium is a very poisonous metal, commonly used to make batteries. "Repeated or long-term exposure to cadmium, even at relatively low concentrations, may result in kidney damage and an increased risk of cancer of the lung and of the prostate." US EPA

Formaldehyde is used to preserve dead bodies. Formaldehyde is a known carcinogen in cigarette smoke, and also causes respiratory and gastrointestinal problems.

Hydrogen cyanide is one of the most toxic deadly chemicals in cigarettes, chemicals in tobacco, poisons in cigarettes, and poisions in tobacco. Short-term exposure to hydrogen cyanide can lead to headaches, dizziness, nausea and vomiting.

Lead is a highly toxic metal, capable of causing serious damage to the brain, kidneys, nervous system and red blood cells. "Children are particularly vulnerable because lead is more easily absorbed into growing bodies and the tissues of small children are sensitive to its effects.
Lead exposure in children can result in delays in physical development, lower IQ levels, shortened attention spans and increased behavioural problems" US EPA.

Mercury vapour is another of the poisonous deadly chemicals in cigarettes, chemicals in tobacco, poisons in cigarettes, and poisions in tobacco. Inhaling mercury vapour may lead to shakiness, memory loss and kidney disease.

Nickel causes increased susceptibility to lung infections.

I suppose they are good for your health too.

From medical news today: "Smoke from cigarettes contains some 4,000 chemicals, 69 of which are known to cause cancer"

I suppose those 69 chemicals all turned out to be good for you in moderation aswell.
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Postby LFC2007 » Wed Jun 13, 2007 11:32 pm

dawson99 wrote:ok, one of the locals in my pub. hes gotta be 90. he was in world war 2. he actually stormed normandy (or so he says) hes now in a wheelchair. virtually no pension. but he loves his bitter and a few ciggies.

now someones gotta wheel him out onto the street so he can smoke? something hes been doing for 75 years?

F*ck off.

Just like the old man who was 90 who didn't smoke and wants his right to sit in a non-smokey environment?

Something he's been wanting to do for 75 years?

F*ck Off
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Postby dawson99 » Wed Jun 13, 2007 11:35 pm

thats why there should be choice for all!!!

i bet you're a communist :p
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Postby LFC2007 » Wed Jun 13, 2007 11:36 pm

dawson99 wrote:thats why there should be choice for all!!!

i bet you're a communist :p

Private members clubs I agree with, if you want to go there fine.

Public places, no.
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