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Postby SouthCoastShankly » Wed Jun 13, 2007 6:37 pm

I am in no way a nanny-state advocate but what type of society are we if we let our citizens kill themsleves and everyone else with them?
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Postby Lando_Griffin » Wed Jun 13, 2007 6:41 pm

dawson99 wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:I can't f*cking wait. I'm sick of breathing in second-hand smoke. It's selfish, irresponsible, and now - it's going to be banned.


Have it you b*stards!!!!! :D

oh feck off. im just gonna follow u around outside areas now smoking!!!

i will never quit. why should i? the governmanet is trying to make us stop? bollox, the amount we spend on tax for ciggys compared to the amount we take up on nhs is a laugh.

can i also ban in restaurants all: fat people, families (kids are not allowed in restaurants!!!) mobile phones.

where will it stop?

f*cking government. i bet there is a smoking room in the houses of parliament too.

how can u put a smoking ban on a private club?

this law has ruined old peoples lives in wales, ireland and scotland, they cant play bingo anymore!!!

Of course they can. They just can't smoke at the same time, is all.

Fat people do not affect the health of those in their immediate environs, so why should they be banned from restaurants? Kids ARE allowed in, they're just not allowed to drink alcohol. (Pubs, for all their bleating, are NOT restaurants.)
As for mobile phones, whilst I accept they do harm health (although only from a very close proximity), unless people are going to start waving them in your face, I fail to see the problem.

Smoking is a bane that society has carried for far too long. It's an outmoded status symbol which should have been banned outright many moons ago.
It's dangerous, selfish, unsociable, and f*cking annoying. One smoker in a room of 30 means that 30 people - not just the one who's actually puffing on the b*stard stick - are slowly being killed because of some runt's addiction.

Would you sit with your head over a bonfire, breathing in the smoke?
No - of course you wouldn't. So why do certain smokers think it's
OK to sit there blowing their cloud of death all over peoples faces, only to do it even more when the poor b*stard complains?

I for one will welcome 1st July with open arms. Those f*cking Cancer sticks have claimed millions of lives throughout the World, and will no doubt claim many more as a result of the damage already done.

And I should feel sorry for the "poor little smoker" because they're soon to be banned from indirectly killing people?

No f*cking chance.

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Postby LFC2007 » Wed Jun 13, 2007 6:41 pm

dawson99 wrote:can i also ban in restaurants all: fat people, families (kids are not allowed in restaurants!!!) mobile phones.

Fat people don't kill you, passive smoke does!

*Unless you p!ss the fat person off and can easily have you*
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Postby dawson99 » Wed Jun 13, 2007 6:52 pm

oh f*ck off lando. the factis that us smokers have a right to smoke and we contribute more to nhs budgets than u ever will.

i had a great nan, lived to 95, smoked 40 woodbines a day.

then theres people who die too young. hate to say it, but if tis your time its your time.

What about cars? A coincidence that cancer cases go up more in places where there are more cars? And what about pubs that wanbt to have smokers? What happened to freedom of choice?

Fat people should be banned full stop. they are a bigger blight on the nhs than smokers now.
And mobile phones and kids are more annoying in restaurants than a smoker would ever be.

Basically, you non smokers can shove your snon smoking ways up your ar$es. the fact is that in the beer gardens where the smokers are is where the enjoyment will be. While you non smoker do good wannabe politicans sit inside realising that now there is just a much stronger stench of stale beer/real bad body odour, pi$$ and sick.

smoking uunsociable? No its not, if you dont like it just move away.

The government sells ciggys, hikes the taxes, makes millions, now wants to try to stop something.

pack of ciggies: £5 odd, £4 goes to tax people. 1 pack a day. 356 days a year = i pay 1424 to taxes, been smoking 16 years: 22784 been paid by myself to taxes. how many smokers? 8 million? = 182,272,000,000. Thats 182 million a year given by smokers to taxes.

Could the government afford to give that up? i think not. Plus i am being very tight with my estimates, chances are its almost double that.

now cars, not addictive, make shed loads more money, thats where the danger is. an exhaust pipe is more lethal than 100,000 cigs. but the government control the scientists and know they cant afford to spend trillions on changing all cars.

f8cking commie nazi state we are turning into. i wanna smoke, im gonna smoke.

clubs have noticed the change in smell, its got worse!!! less people going to pubs now. wait and see the fights on the streets as well!!!

the sad thing is, i dont mind non smoking pubs, i dont mind going outside for a ciggy. why cant governments let the pub decide if it wants to be smking or non?

when u hear a barmaid complain about the smell of smoke...well dont be a f*cking barmaid then you silly bint!!!

nanny state, makes me sick.
Last edited by dawson99 on Wed Jun 13, 2007 6:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby LFC2007 » Wed Jun 13, 2007 6:52 pm

Lando_Griffin wrote:Kids ARE allowed in, they're just not allowed to drink alcohol.

Children above the age of five are allowed to drink alcohol with a meal.
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Postby account deleted by request » Wed Jun 13, 2007 6:58 pm

dawson99 wrote:oh f*ck off lando. the factis that us smokers have a right to smoke and we contribute more to nhs budgets than u ever will.

i had a great nan, lived to 95, smoked 40 woodbines a day.

then theres people who die too young. hate to say it, but if tis your time its your time.

What about cars? A coincidence that cancer cases go up more in places where there are more cars? And what about pubs that wanbt to have smokers? What happened to freedom of choice?

Fat people should be banned full stop. they are a bigger blight on the nhs than smokers now.
And mobile phones and kids are more annoying in restaurants than a smoker would ever be.

Basically, you non smokers can shove your snon smoking ways up your ar$es. the fact is that in the beer gardens where the smokers are is where the enjoyment will be. While you non smoker do good wannabe politicans sit inside realising that now there is just a much stronger stench of stale beer/real bad body odour, pi$$ and sick.

smoking uunsociable? No its not, if you dont like it just move away.

The government sells ciggys, hikes the taxes, makes millions, now wants to try to stop something.

pack of ciggies: £5 odd, £4 goes to tax people. 1 pack a day. 356 days a year = i pay 1424 to taxes, been smoking 16 years: 22784 been paid by myself to taxes. how many smokers? 8 million? = 182,272,000,000. Thats 182 million a year given by smokers to taxes.

Could the government afford to give that up? i think not. Plus i am being very tight with my estimates, chances are its almost double that.

now cars, not addictive, make shed loads more money, thats where the danger is. an exhaust pipe is more lethal than 100,000 cigs. but the government control the scientists and know they cant afford to spend trillions on changing all cars.

f8cking commie nazi state we are turning into. i wanna smoke, im gonna smoke.

clubs have noticed the change in smell, its got worse!!! less people going to pubs now. wait and see the fights on the streets as well!!!

the sad thing is, i dont mind non smoking pubs, i dont mind going outside for a ciggy. why cant governments let the pub decide if it wants to be smking or non?

when u hear a barmaid complain about the smell of smoke...well dont be a f*cking barmaid then you silly bint!!!

nanny state, makes me sick.

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Postby LFC2007 » Wed Jun 13, 2007 7:16 pm

dawson99 wrote:oh f*ck off lando. the factis that us smokers have a right to smoke and we contribute more to nhs budgets than u ever will.

i had a great nan, lived to 95, smoked 40 woodbines a day.

then theres people who die too young. hate to say it, but if tis your time its your time.

What about cars? A coincidence that cancer cases go up more in places where there are more cars? And what about pubs that wanbt to have smokers? What happened to freedom of choice?

Fat people should be banned full stop. they are a bigger blight on the nhs than smokers now.
And mobile phones and kids are more annoying in restaurants than a smoker would ever be.

Basically, you non smokers can shove your snon smoking ways up your ar$es. the fact is that in the beer gardens where the smokers are is where the enjoyment will be. While you non smoker do good wannabe politicans sit inside realising that now there is just a much stronger stench of stale beer/real bad body odour, pi$$ and sick.

smoking uunsociable? No its not, if you dont like it just move away.

The government sells ciggys, hikes the taxes, makes millions, now wants to try to stop something.

pack of ciggies: £5 odd, £4 goes to tax people. 1 pack a day. 356 days a year = i pay 1424 to taxes, been smoking 16 years: 22784 been paid by myself to taxes. how many smokers? 8 million? = 182,272,000,000. Thats 182 million a year given by smokers to taxes.

Could the government afford to give that up? i think not. Plus i am being very tight with my estimates, chances are its almost double that.

now cars, not addictive, make shed loads more money, thats where the danger is. an exhaust pipe is more lethal than 100,000 cigs. but the government control the scientists and know they cant afford to spend trillions on changing all cars.

f8cking commie nazi state we are turning into. i wanna smoke, im gonna smoke.

clubs have noticed the change in smell, its got worse!!! less people going to pubs now. wait and see the fights on the streets as well!!!

the sad thing is, i dont mind non smoking pubs, i dont mind going outside for a ciggy. why cant governments let the pub decide if it wants to be smking or non?

when u hear a barmaid complain about the smell of smoke...well dont be a f*cking barmaid then you silly bint!!!

nanny state, makes me sick.

It's not really my "beef" as they say, but I'd take up a few points there Dawson. You know Lando's gonna come back with a bang!

1) There's a big difference between cars giving off exhaust fumes and smoking in enclosed spaces. The concentration of cigarette smoke in a pub/restaurant for example is a bazillion times higher than the concentration of exhaust fumes in the air. Driving a car/vehicle is a necessity in today's world, smoking is not a necessity, it is a bad habit. You have the choice to smoke, but should you have the choice over whether or not you harm other people? Not in my view. The relationship between cars/vehicles in a particular area and the rate of cancer in that area is not an accurate one, perhaps breathing disorders are but not cancer. Many things could increas that rate, you couild look at the diet of that area or the living habits and see a similar relationship.

2) Obesity is a problem, but some people have "fat genes" and as such a different metabolism. You are not born with an equal metabolism but you are born with an equal choice about whether you smoke or not. Still, I don't like fat people who complain about being fat and do nothing about it.

3) Smoke drifts, if you move away it will still drift and linger - even outdoors in beer gardens. 

4) The tax on ciggy's is high, but you can actually buy them on some websites in bulk for a lot less - juist make sure customs don't find out. Or you could have an annual trip to Le Supermarche in France/Belgium - most of Europe really!

5) The figures on how much smoking costs the NHS are not definite, there are so many illnesses that are caused by or related to smoking that it is not possible to evaluate itdefinitively. However, you can definitively state how much ciggarette tax the gov't receives.

6) There are laws on exhaust emissions at UK gov't level and EU level.

7) If anything I'd say we are and have been moving to a more health conscious culture recently - Mcdonalds salads! who would have thought that a decade ago!, smoking is not on the increase like it was 10 years ago either.

To sum up, it should be the responsibility of the smoker to respect others around them. I don't see why it is so difficult to have a quick fag outside a pub/restaurant or at home before you go out.
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Postby dawson99 » Wed Jun 13, 2007 7:23 pm

to sum up, thats rubbish. cars exhaust fumes dont linger? maybe u live in a hamlet, but for most of us it is a major problem.

what about drinking? more deaths caused by drinking than smoking (fights, liver, car, just stupid accidents)

and u really think the givernment stats are right? they CAN blame cigs as they are addictive!!! the government is lying to you.

I aghree, if a pub is non smoking, smoke outside. restaurants i also agree with. but there should be choice! if a pub wants to be smoking, let them. thats the arguament! its not that we disagree, its that people should be able to choose what they do. we dont get much joy in life, smoking for some of us is one of the few joys.

so if u dont smoke, go to a non smoking bar, if u do smoke, go to a smoking bar, it should be that easy.

and ban cars...
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Postby Lando_Griffin » Wed Jun 13, 2007 7:27 pm

dawson99 wrote:oh f*ck off lando. the factis that us smokers have a right to smoke and we contribute more to nhs budgets than u ever will.

i had a great nan, lived to 95, smoked 40 woodbines a day.

then theres people who die too young. hate to say it, but if tis your time its your time.

What about cars? A coincidence that cancer cases go up more in places where there are more cars? And what about pubs that wanbt to have smokers? What happened to freedom of choice?

Fat people should be banned full stop. they are a bigger blight on the nhs than smokers now.
And mobile phones and kids are more annoying in restaurants than a smoker would ever be.

Basically, you non smokers can shove your snon smoking ways up your ar$es. the fact is that in the beer gardens where the smokers are is where the enjoyment will be. While you non smoker do good wannabe politicans sit inside realising that now there is just a much stronger stench of stale beer/real bad body odour, pi$$ and sick.

smoking uunsociable? No its not, if you dont like it just move away.

The government sells ciggys, hikes the taxes, makes millions, now wants to try to stop something.

pack of ciggies: £5 odd, £4 goes to tax people. 1 pack a day. 356 days a year = i pay 1424 to taxes, been smoking 16 years: 22784 been paid by myself to taxes. how many smokers? 8 million? = 182,272,000,000. Thats 182 million a year given by smokers to taxes.

Could the government afford to give that up? i think not. Plus i am being very tight with my estimates, chances are its almost double that.

now cars, not addictive, make shed loads more money, thats where the danger is. an exhaust pipe is more lethal than 100,000 cigs. but the government control the scientists and know they cant afford to spend trillions on changing all cars.

f8cking commie nazi state we are turning into. i wanna smoke, im gonna smoke.

clubs have noticed the change in smell, its got worse!!! less people going to pubs now. wait and see the fights on the streets as well!!!

the sad thing is, i dont mind non smoking pubs, i dont mind going outside for a ciggy. why cant governments let the pub decide if it wants to be smking or non?

when u hear a barmaid complain about the smell of smoke...well dont be a f*cking barmaid then you silly bint!!!

nanny state, makes me sick.

So then - if I wanted to throw my fists about in public, that would be OK, so long as I paid into the NHS?

What a crock of old sh*te.

Why the f*ck should non-smokers move away when smokers are in the minority?

It's a narrow-minded, bigoted view.

Addiction - it's a terrible thing. :no

Rafa Benitez - An unfinished Legend.
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Postby LFC2007 » Wed Jun 13, 2007 7:31 pm

Lando_Griffin wrote:So then - if I wanted to throw my fists about in public, that would be OK, so long as I paid into the NHS?

PMSL!!!  :laugh:
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Postby dawson99 » Wed Jun 13, 2007 7:33 pm

lando, its called freedom of choice. if a pub landlord or a private club wants smokers, as cigs are not illegal, they should be allowed. you and other mary whitehouse w*nkers moan and b!tch about absolutely everything!!!

why call it a private club if it has to follow government rulings? absolute crock of sh!te

maybe u need to chill landop, u swear a lot, seem quite uptight, maybe a nice marlboro would sort u out?

plus, nothing beats that after dinner cigarette. theres nothing like it, its just fantastic.
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Postby dawson99 » Wed Jun 13, 2007 7:34 pm

LFC2007 wrote:
Lando_Griffin wrote:So then - if I wanted to throw my fists about in public, that would be OK, so long as I paid into the NHS?

PMSL!!!  :laugh:

if the goivernemnt had a tax break for people who do that, like they do for smokers, then yes. but they dont. its illegal ya big numpty. smoking isnt.

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Postby LFC2007 » Wed Jun 13, 2007 7:44 pm

dawson99 wrote:I aghree, if a pub is non smoking, smoke outside. restaurants i also agree with. but there should be choice! if a pub wants to be smoking, let them. thats the arguament! its not that we disagree, its that people should be able to choose what they do. we dont get much joy in life, smoking for some of us is one of the few joys.

so if u dont smoke, go to a non smoking bar, if u do smoke, go to a smoking bar, it should be that easy.

and ban cars...

I have a few questions for this part:

In some places where smoking is more common (e.g. the north east) and the pub has a choice whether or not to ban smoking, in all likelihood they would not ban it as quite a lot of their trade would be smokers. What should someone living in these areas do if they don't want to go to smokey bar? If the nearest non-smoking pub is 50 miles away does that mean they have to travel 50 miles away to have a beer with their mates in a non-smoking environment?

I'd ask the same about some rural places, if a pub in a rural village chooses not to ban smoking, where do they go?

If someone in this village wanted to find work as a bar tender or waiter in one of these areas - would they also be forced to move 50+miles to find a pub that is non-smoking?

Do they have a choice even if that person has grown up in that village all their lives? Should smokers force this person to move out of their village to find work?, should a smoker influence what job they want to go into?

You may call this unrealistic, but it is not, the effect would be to create smoking and non-smoking regions. Should a bad habit, an unhealthy habit such as smoking have such an influence on society?

Does it not make sense that smokers should compromise and say "ok, i'll pop outside for a quick fag". The alternative compromise is that people are forced to move to another area.
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Postby Lando_Griffin » Wed Jun 13, 2007 7:45 pm

dawson99 wrote:lando, its called freedom of choice. if a pub landlord or a private club wants smokers, as cigs are not illegal, they should be allowed. you and other mary whitehouse w*nkers moan and b!tch about absolutely everything!!!

why call it a private club if it has to follow government rulings? absolute crock of sh!te

maybe u need to chill landop, u swear a lot, seem quite uptight, maybe a nice marlboro would sort u out?

plus, nothing beats that after dinner cigarette. theres nothing like it, its just fantastic.

No mate. I am constantly surrounded by smokers in my job (which I enjoy too much to give up), and it just f*cks me off that I spend most of the night coughing and then get home stinking to high heaven.

Aside from the health issue.

And in my experience, nothing beats a good sh*t after a hearty meal. :D

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Postby dawson99 » Wed Jun 13, 2007 8:09 pm

maybe its my upbringing tho, so i will calm down, but judging from my photo album pic, its not my fault im this way:

baby dawson: Image
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