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Postby LFC2007 » Thu Jun 14, 2007 12:58 am

dawson99 wrote:
LFC2007 wrote:
dawson99 wrote:
shanks72 wrote:
dawson99 wrote:6: cant hunt foxes, even tho they are a menace

Foxes also have a right to life and if they 'cause a nusance (which I dispute) it's usually down to man again.

Anyways, regarding your smoking.

If it didn't affect other people there would be no problem.

If cigarettes could be invented that didn't kill then it wouldn't matter where you smoked.

It is not about you personally....it's about protecting innocent people from breathing in potentially harmful chemicals.

Why can't you smokers see that!!!!

If you were non smokers I reckon you'd be welcoming in this ban with open arms. It is all about protecting people...

After all why should you have the right to inflict your poisonous fumes onto us!!!

yet for hundreds of years we have been allowed. now this nanny state again being absolutely pathetic changes things on a whim.

All im saying is give us a smoking pub, why not?
have a non smoking pub and a smoking pub, see what one the people want!

does that not seem right to anyone?

Private members clubs, yes. Public bars/restaurants, no.

For hundreds of years it's been accepted because people were not aware of the health effects of smoking!

It's only recently that extensive research has shown the effects of passive smoking aswell.

u facist commie!!!

u r SERIOUSLY saying that the people should not have the god given right to decide whether to go into a smoking or non smoking pub? Seriously?

Come on. Take 2 pubs. one is non smoking only. one is smoking. if the people want they can go to either.

that is the fair democratic way.

I cant see how you would not like something that 'the people' get to decide on?

you might hate smokers mate but from what uve said there u r on the wacky baccy  :rasp

Fascist my ar.se look it up.

You put it in a way that appears correct in theory, but not in practice.

There are not many pubs I know that have a non-smoking pub right next to them, people have to change their life or move to another area - travel for longer just to get to a non-smoking pub - because in REALITY the model of having a non-smoking pub near to a smoking pub in every village in England does not exist.

In a rural area with few pubs, does the person have to move over 50 miles just to get to a non-smoking pub?

Where is their right?

They are an individual, where do their liberties go?

I'm not on wacky baccy, you are in a midset of unreality, that does not put it into any context.
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Postby LFC2007 » Thu Jun 14, 2007 1:01 am

s@int wrote:
Eating meat does not PASSIVELY kill people, look it up.

Red meat 'linked to cancer risk' 

There are health concerns over red meat
A major study has found fresh evidence linking eating red and processed meat and bowel cancer, scientists say.
The European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) looked at the dietary habits of over 500,000 people across Europe over 10 years.

Bowel cancer risk was a third higher for those who regularly ate over two 80g portions of red or processed meat a day, compared to less than one a week.

EPIC's study is reported in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute.

Red meat and alcohol bowel 'risk'

Eating a diet high in red meat and alcohol may triple the risk of a bowel disease relapse, according to research carried out on Tyneside.
Scientists at Newcastle University found those who ate larger amounts of red meat and drank more than two units of alcohol per day were at risk.

Researchers studied 183 men and women with ulcerative colitis in the north-east of England.

Those who eat over 100g of meat a day are three times more likely to relapse.

The risks increased further for those eating red and processed meat, with patients five times as likely to suffer a relapse.

The researchers also found that patients who had a high intake of animal protein in general - meat, fish and eggs - tripled the risk.

The same increased risk of relapse was seen for those who drank large amounts of alcohol.

The findings were published in the medical journal, Gut.

Don't you know what PASSIVE means?

It is common knowledge that eating red meat in excess can cause cancer, particularly bowell cancer.

But does that red meat sitting on a plate travel over to a neighbouring table and cause them the risk of cancer like smoking does?

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Postby account deleted by request » Thu Jun 14, 2007 1:01 am

As it stands I have to travel abroad to get to a smoking pub, where are my rights? What happened to my liberties?
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Postby shanks72 » Thu Jun 14, 2007 1:03 am

dawson99 wrote:theyve only just realised?

come on, gimme a break. all im saying is give the people the choice. we are grown ups, we should be allwoed to smoke in a f*cking pub if we want. and if a bar manager or owner wants to let people smoke in HIS pub, then let him!

Don't get smart  :D

No, sorry it's against the law....

you smokers must realise that you just can't go around doing what you like and putting everyone's health at risk!!

You must of course realise that if the govt didn't think they had the backing of the public then they wouldn't be going for it. (Don't bring other issues into this like Iraq etc. which I for one feel was a mistake of the highest calibre).

This ban is in the interests of the general public...it cannot be denied.
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Postby account deleted by request » Thu Jun 14, 2007 1:04 am

So again ban meat its causing death. Ban cars they cause death both passively and actively. Ban Alcohol its causing death.
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Postby LFC2007 » Thu Jun 14, 2007 1:08 am

s@int wrote:As it stands I have to travel abroad to get to a smoking pub, where are my rights? What happened to my liberties?

Well that's a lie because you don't have to travel abroad, the ban comes in on July 1st.

Where is the liberty of a murderer? His liberties are also removed.

You won't have the liberty to smoke in a pub after that date because you are killing other people, that's why.

The balance of compromise will be restored on July 1st, is it much of a compromise to go outside. Just so you don't harm others?

Is it so much to ask?
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Postby LFC2007 » Thu Jun 14, 2007 1:08 am

s@int wrote:So again ban meat its causing death. Ban cars they cause death both passively and actively. Ban Alcohol its causing death.

PASSIVE is the word you keep missing out.

Cigarettes kill by passive smoking, cars driven correctly don't kill PASSIVELY.

The concentration of fumes in comparison is MINIMAL.
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Postby Kharhaz » Thu Jun 14, 2007 1:09 am

If they ban smoking then they have to ban driving most cars. You cant have one rule for one then one rule for another. The people who are against smoking probably drive cars that are worse for our environment then smoking will ever be.
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Postby LFC2007 » Thu Jun 14, 2007 1:12 am

Kharhaz wrote:If they ban smoking then they have to ban driving most cars. You cant have one rule for one then one rule for another. The people who are against smoking probably drive cars that are worse for our environment then smoking will ever be.

You cannot apportion the effect of car fumes on your health, it is minimal compared to passive smoking. And it doesn't have evidence to suggest it kills people on such a scale or with such a direct relationship.
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Postby account deleted by request » Thu Jun 14, 2007 1:13 am

If I am murdering or killing people arrest me for murder dont mess about fining me. Allow people freedom of choice over their OWN pubs. If people dont want to drink in a smoking pub let them stand outside or go to another pub, is it too much to ask?
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Postby LFC2007 » Thu Jun 14, 2007 1:14 am

s@int wrote:If I am murdering or killing people arrest me for murder dont mess about fining me. Allow people freedom of choice over their OWN pubs. If people dont want to drink in a smoking pub let them stand outside or go to another pub, is it too much to ask?

Drinking doesn't KILL PASSIVELY, that is WHY.!!!!!!!

There is not a non-smoking pub in every village in every county in England, where do they go. Forced out to travel further at extra cost or to another town. Purely because smokers can't be ars.d to show the ocurtesy to go outisde for 5 minutes.
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Postby account deleted by request » Thu Jun 14, 2007 1:18 am

LFC2007 wrote:
s@int wrote:If I am murdering or killing people arrest me for murder dont mess about fining me. Allow people freedom of choice over their OWN pubs. If people dont want to drink in a smoking pub let them stand outside or go to another pub, is it too much to ask?

Drinking doesn't KILL PASSIVELY, that is WHY.!!!!!!!

And smoking doesn't lead to violent deaths, assults etc drinking does every day.
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Postby account deleted by request » Thu Jun 14, 2007 1:19 am

Why should I stand outside choking on your car fumes
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Postby LFC2007 » Thu Jun 14, 2007 1:21 am

s@int wrote:
LFC2007 wrote:
s@int wrote:If I am murdering or killing people arrest me for murder dont mess about fining me. Allow people freedom of choice over their OWN pubs. If people dont want to drink in a smoking pub let them stand outside or go to another pub, is it too much to ask?

Drinking doesn't KILL PASSIVELY, that is WHY.!!!!!!!

And smoking doesn't lead to violent deaths, assults etc drinking does every day.

But drinking RESPONSIBLY does not.

You can SMOKE RESPONSIBLY and still KILL people.

How can you not understand that?? ???
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Postby Kharhaz » Thu Jun 14, 2007 1:22 am

But drinking does cause more harm than smoking, lets look at the maddy mccann case, they lost there daughter because they wanted a drink. Smokers smoke because its a habit, its always been there. Am I worse than everyone else because i smoke? no, i smoke because i choose to. If theres going to be a ban, heres one that will stand, lets send to prison all the criminals who rob peoples houses, lets punish the paedos who abuse kids, lets get rid of the rapists. No it will never happen because put simply the government chooses the ones who have no arguments, who have morals, who live in the real world. Do you smoke? YES ! CONDEMNED YOU ARE ! do you rape kids? YES! well you have human rights law on your side !
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