How do you get around office politics?

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Postby SouthCoastShankly » Sun Mar 28, 2010 7:17 pm

bavlondon wrote:I have been there 2 years mate and have had small pay rises along the way but this was a big step up. The silly thing is the head of dept was the one who told me to go for it in the first place and that they thought I could do it so I applied and got myself in that frame of mind. But later I find out the no came down from someone higher up. So it's like is it even worth hanging around if I have that person potentially blocking me.

I'm off for a few days next week thank :censored: but when I get back I want to feed back to her exactly what I thought of the reasons presented to me for not getting it. The reasons they gave made no sense and were contrived. Basically there has been a reshuffle at work so there were various positions that people were applying for.

Another guy who was going for one of those other roles received feedback on a question he wasn't even asked in his interview. So I get the impression this was all planned and I got a no. Either that or I was also strung alone. In terms of work I know I was the best guy for the job, when it comes to operational queries everyone normally comes to me to advise as I know all areas so well. That's what makes it all the more bitter.

My perception of the company and management has done a 180 and I think I am bordering on depression. I take my work seriously so when things like this happen it's a real kick in the teeth. I have come to a decision to focus my efforts on looking for a new job elsewhere but until I find something suitable ill just grit my teeth and keep doing my thing here. It's driving me nuts though, I spent yesterday evening drafting how I am going to structure my argument to my managers manager next week. And I couldn't sleep all night either, I kept thinking of other things to include.

I'm basically gonna pick their whole their whole argument apart and lay it on the table for them to see what :censored: idiots they have been.

This is where you have to weigh the situation up and decide whether to

1) Play it safe and apply for a similar position later on this year. Persistence may work in your favour.

2) Or... play hard ball. Actively look for a new job and threaten to leave. I have done this to work in my favour. But it is risky. I would advise only threatening resignation once a new job offer is in place.
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Postby metalhead » Sun Mar 28, 2010 7:44 pm

Greavesie wrote:all I know from a legal perspective is that you're not supposed to be interviewed by someone who knows you

stop being such a posh lawyer now :D
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Postby maypaxvobiscum » Tue Mar 30, 2010 4:49 pm

metalhead wrote:
Greavesie wrote:all I know from a legal perspective is that you're not supposed to be interviewed by someone who knows you

stop being such a posh lawyer now :D

having read the comment posted by my learned friend Lord Greavesie, i concur and such situations does give rises to biasness and conflicts of interest as seen in the "secret sounding system" regarding the appointment of judges prior to the establishment of the JAC.

up yours MH  :rasp
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Postby Reg » Tue Mar 30, 2010 5:13 pm

bavlondon wrote:
laza wrote:AK-47. The very best there is. When you absolutely, positively got to kill every mother...ker in the room, accept no substitutes.

Not that im a psycho or anything but that does sound satisfying on some levels  :eyebrow

The thing that gets me is now that I see this figure trying to stand in my way ive lost all motivation to work. Now I know how Dawson feels.  :p

Im still really :censored: off.

Bav mate you cant avoid politics.

People who are inconsequential dont incur politics (Dawson), only those who bring value are 'in play'. You have to use it to your advantage, not against you.

I'm in the middle of a play right now (I´ll pm you later) and I see whats happened to you as a move, thats all, and you have to return the shot to take it to the next stage - its like tennis. Its not one step forward, 2 back then end game. Its one forward, 2 back, 3 forward and when you have the other fella backpedalling, deliver the knockout blow.

Your options are - if I understand the situation correctly - either to go back to the first guy and explain whats happened and commit him to sort it out, or 2, go back to the second guy and say 'Hey i was told to apply for this job in good faith by XYZ so why am I being treated like this?' etc.. and explain why you are the best guy for teh job. Put both guys in a muddle, get them both to sort it out.

You´re innocent mate, they´ve cocked things up, so first thing you need to do is let them both know.
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Postby Reg » Tue Mar 30, 2010 5:14 pm

PS, stop being so senstive you pussy! :laugh:
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Postby dawson99 » Tue Mar 30, 2010 5:19 pm

Did someone just call me inconsequential? I matter!!! :D

The truth is, there will always be bias in jobs. You will always asee the 'friend' 'family member' whatever get the good jobs, and if you are more friendly and known to the person you do have more chance.

You can though, just do your job so well that they can't afford to lose you. I am lucky that I'm very good at my job but am also a complete slacker. I always post from here, but I'm also at work 6 days a week, usually between 8-12 hours a day. The directors all know me and a fair few custoemrs will only deal with me.
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Postby tubby » Tue Mar 30, 2010 10:12 pm

SouthCoastShankly wrote:
bavlondon wrote:I have been there 2 years mate and have had small pay rises along the way but this was a big step up. The silly thing is the head of dept was the one who told me to go for it in the first place and that they thought I could do it so I applied and got myself in that frame of mind. But later I find out the no came down from someone higher up. So it's like is it even worth hanging around if I have that person potentially blocking me.

I'm off for a few days next week thank :censored: but when I get back I want to feed back to her exactly what I thought of the reasons presented to me for not getting it. The reasons they gave made no sense and were contrived. Basically there has been a reshuffle at work so there were various positions that people were applying for.

Another guy who was going for one of those other roles received feedback on a question he wasn't even asked in his interview. So I get the impression this was all planned and I got a no. Either that or I was also strung alone. In terms of work I know I was the best guy for the job, when it comes to operational queries everyone normally comes to me to advise as I know all areas so well. That's what makes it all the more bitter.

My perception of the company and management has done a 180 and I think I am bordering on depression. I take my work seriously so when things like this happen it's a real kick in the teeth. I have come to a decision to focus my efforts on looking for a new job elsewhere but until I find something suitable ill just grit my teeth and keep doing my thing here. It's driving me nuts though, I spent yesterday evening drafting how I am going to structure my argument to my managers manager next week. And I couldn't sleep all night either, I kept thinking of other things to include.

I'm basically gonna pick their whole their whole argument apart and lay it on the table for them to see what :censored: idiots they have been.

This is where you have to weigh the situation up and decide whether to

1) Play it safe and apply for a similar position later on this year. Persistence may work in your favour.

2) Or... play hard ball. Actively look for a new job and threaten to leave. I have done this to work in my favour. But it is risky. I would advise only threatening resignation once a new job offer is in place.

Yeah im gonna speak to one of the senior managers who told me to go for it in the first place and see what's planned for the future. But i'm looking around elsewhere anyway just to be safe.
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