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Postby Rush Job » Sat Jul 21, 2007 7:30 pm

Been some strange goings on round my gaff recently, things gettin lost then just turnin up wierd noises etc then last night ( and i kid you not ) i saw a shadowy figure moving about in my hall, well i dont mind saying i :censored: it and froze, not so frighted now though more interested so i thought id open a paranormal thread to hear your experences. Should get a laugh if nothing else so come on.
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Postby LFC2007 » Sat Jul 21, 2007 8:04 pm

The fella on the left is my paranormal nemesis, he appears in my nightmares sometimes whispering 'you :censored: idiot', 'Agger is :censored:', ' :censored: off'.................... then he whispers 'you're just two stupid two understand'  :laugh: and he disappears!


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Postby shanks72 » Sat Jul 21, 2007 9:31 pm

Rush Job wrote:Been some strange goings on round my gaff recently, things gettin lost then just turnin up wierd noises etc then last night ( and i kid you not ) i saw a shadowy figure moving about in my hall, well i dont mind saying i :censored: it and froze, not so frighted now though more interested so i thought id open a paranormal thread to hear your experences. Should get a laugh if nothing else so come on.

Well, lol...I hope you are serious....I've been waiting for a thread like this....didn't want to post my own....but at least now you've given the subject some credibility...

My family used to live in a house (actually 6 doors away from the one we live in now!) which was haunted...

An elderly gentleman had died there....I was 11 when we moved there....unfortunately I had what was his old bedroom..  :Oo:

We would be aware of him around the house in certain rooms...sometimes the diningroom would smell very strongly of cigarette smoke....but none of us smoked....then it would go...only to return another day.
My mum was cooking in the kitchen once and she could feel someone standing behind her...but no one else was in the house.

My bro was also aware of dad was unaffected by it all and he doesn't really believe in ghosts...
It is a sad thing for me...but I can usually 'pick up' if there is a spirit in a house and I hate this...I'd just rather not know...

We were clearing out my aunt's house after she died...and we had to do the bedroom where her father-in-law had passed away...well I was so aware of his presence in the room that I had to get out of it....later followed by my mum....who whilst going through his cupboard had felt such a strong pressure that made her hands shake so much she had to leave the clearing out. My aunt had always had this room shut up and all the man's things were as he had left them.

I know there are sceptics...but each to his own...Although I find the evidence of life after death overwhelming..
As a christian I do believe this anyway...and I know we are advised not to contact the dead. But if like me you are aware of spirits to a certain extent then there isn't alot you can do about it.

I believe you are meant to leave this world when you die...but for some reason or other there are spirits left behind...
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Postby kunilson » Sat Jul 21, 2007 9:40 pm

closest ive been to the paranormal is watching X-Files.

never had experiences like you lot have mentioned, some scary sh1t.....but i dont know if i believe in all that, interestin reading about it tho.
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Postby Sabre » Sat Jul 21, 2007 10:49 pm

I have an open mind both for paranormal things and UFO things, meaning I'm ready to believe provided the evidence.

But I never experienced any evidence.

The most paranormal thing is when in the summer village we went to cemetery with 10-12 years because it was the way to show you had no fear with the girls. And we did some sort of invocation of spirits that consisted on putting a golden chain hang up to your hand. You asked the question and if the golden chain moved left to right then it was a yes. It it moves forward and backward then it was a no.

So the girls were very scared and one of them asked "are you there?" and the answer was "no". And my logical mind said, well this must be fake.

But, despite it seems I'm laughing about this, I'm sure that if I ever saw anything strange or a ghost, I'd be scared to death.

The only strange and "serious" thing I ever experienced was the removal of a wart in one finger. I tried to eliminate it with a product sold in pharmacies  that burnt the wart. But it kept reappearing. One day, my mom told me that if I told a witch something, whatever, a message to her, then the wart removed. I believed no word of it, but anyhow, I tried, what could it cost to send a message? so I told her that the message was that I hoped she had a long life. 15 days later, the wart dissapeared with no trace. It doesn't mean anything, it's just to state the fact that I tried to burn the wart three times, and then the wart went alone. Was it the witch? was it my suggestion? was it the burning liquid that worked later on? I don't know but it's the only strange thing in my life.
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Postby LFC2007 » Sun Jul 22, 2007 12:04 am

Sabre wrote:The only strange and "serious" thing I ever experienced was the removal of a wart in one finger. I tried to eliminate it with a product sold in pharmacies  that burnt the wart. But it kept reappearing. One day, my mom told me that if I told a witch something, whatever, a message to her, then the wart removed. I believed no word of it, but anyhow, I tried, what could it cost to send a message? so I told her that the message was that I hoped she had a long life. 15 days later, the wart dissapeared with no trace. It doesn't mean anything, it's just to state the fact that I tried to burn the wart three times, and then the wart went alone. Was it the witch? was it my suggestion? was it the burning liquid that worked later on? I don't know but it's the only strange thing in my life.

Careful Sabre, the witch might be reading this and think you are betraying her  :laugh:
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Postby Guido the Killer Pimp » Sun Jul 22, 2007 12:08 am

Rush Job wrote:Been some strange goings on round my gaff recently, things gettin lost then just turnin up wierd noises etc then last night ( and i kid you not ) i saw a shadowy figure moving about in my hall

that'll be the booze then
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Postby 112-1077774096 » Sun Jul 22, 2007 12:57 am

whilst in the police i had to force entry into a house after the neighbours called and said they hadnt seen their elderley neighbour.

i broke in and found the old guy on the floor with no pulse, he was still very warm so i figured he had just died so i tried to resusitate him and radio for an ambulance. anyway i was able to get him breathing again and get a pulse.

throughout all this the old guy remained unconcious and never saw me, the ambulance arrived and took him to hospital.

anyway the next day i went to visit him in hospital, i was not in my uniform and walked into the ward to find him, he had never seen me and didnt know i was coming. when i walked in he called me over to his bed and thanked me.

when i was talking i realised he never saw me so i asked how he knew who i was when i walked in and he told me he was watching me resucitate him, he  said he was watching from the ceiling and then went back into his body.

wierd    :D

Postby Rush Job » Sun Jul 22, 2007 1:11 am

Guido the Killer Pimp wrote:
Rush Job wrote:Been some strange goings on round my gaff recently, things gettin lost then just turnin up wierd noises etc then last night ( and i kid you not ) i saw a shadowy figure moving about in my hall

that'll be the booze then

Havent been drunk in two years mate. Nice one Shanks, id never thought of dodgy smells coming from a ghost but to be honest ( cue the wise cracks ) ive bin bathin like four times a day because me an the misses keep gettin a wif of beo its not her before you start so i thought it must be me, it comes and goes but theres no shiftin it. feck this, as i post it sounds like someones upstairs an im alone, not feelin so brave now :censored:
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Postby neil » Sun Jul 22, 2007 1:32 am

It was about quart to 4 in the morning, I was suddenly awake, no noise only silence but somethin must have disturbed me, I just dont wake up at that time for no reason. I heard the fridge open in the kitchen downstairs but theres only the missus and the baby at home tonight and I can hear both of them breathing in their sleep, "fuc4in idiot" I thought to myself, "next doors fridge!". I needed a drink of cold milk, as much to reasssure myself as to quench my thirst. I headed downstairs, I heard somethin, nothing specific just movement  "ffs" I muttered, but still felt really spooked. I reached the kitchen and nervously peered around the door, and there she was, the headless old woman ghost makin a cup of tea with my fuc4in milk
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Postby Rush Job » Sun Jul 22, 2007 1:41 am

I like that story Peewee and the thing is all these people who say theyve had OBE's must also belive in ghosts cus like it or not for a small time they were one. Keep em coming and remember this is a thread for all things paranormal not just ghosts, anyone got any UFO/close encounter storys if so get em in here. Im sure if ya think we all have at least one totaly unexplainable event, if not then its still to happen. still well dodgy this end, will it just go away at some point?
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Postby Rush Job » Sun Jul 22, 2007 1:50 am

neil wrote:It was about quart to 4 in the morning, I was suddenly awake, no noise only silence but somethin must have disturbed me, I just dont wake up at that time for no reason. I heard the fridge open in the kitchen downstairs but theres only the missus and the baby at home tonight and I can hear both of them breathing in their sleep, "fuc4in idiot" I thought to myself, "next doors fridge!". I needed a drink of cold milk, as much to reasssure myself as to quench my thirst. I headed downstairs, I heard somethin, nothing specific just movement  "ffs" I muttered, but still felt really spooked. I reached the kitchen and nervously peered around the door, and there she was, the headless old woman ghost makin a cup of tea with my fuc4in milk

Nice one had me going, up until the last line i was thinkin shet that exactly what its like er.
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Postby Rush Job » Sun Jul 22, 2007 2:45 am

How do i change the spelling mistake in the title?  anyone.
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Postby dawson99 » Sun Jul 22, 2007 7:13 pm

Have had some paranormal experiences. I get severe de ja vu all the time. I remember going to germany once, and i know it sounds silly but i knew there would be  broken curtain in one of the rooms as that had happened before. Whenever i go places i sort of know where i am as it seems to have all happened before, really freaks me out sometime.

as for paranormal, we used to have a dump area in the back of our park where a few of us ould go to smoke. One night me a few mates were there when we saw some kind of ritualistic pile of rocks (sort of like in blair withc but this was 18 years ago) and we freaked out and ran off, as we were running we saw a hanging noose on fire, which definately wasnt there before. I ran shitt!ng myself and lost my glasses. Went back to look for them the next day and they were in the branches right at eye level where the hanging noose had been!!! really freaked me out

Only other thing i have is when my mum said she did a ouija board when she was a teenager and it said someone would die (some bloke called dave) anyways, 3 days later dave died in amotorbike accident. She is serious when she tells me this and ive never done that ouji board myself since then!!!
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Postby destro » Sun Jul 22, 2007 7:38 pm

T"The headless old woman ghost making a cup of tea with my fuc4in milk ?"

Why was she making a cup of Tea if she had no head, how did she drink it ?

Dont believe in Ghosts, never have never will and Programmes like Most Haunted  do nothing to make me believe otherwise, in fact they just confirm my belief that there is no such thing
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