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Postby dawson99 » Thu May 10, 2007 7:54 pm

no you weren't. you mentioned the ones who were perverts, then you said, and i quote: not to mention the number of homosexual ministers they've had'

not right wing at all mate :;):
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Postby zarababe » Thu May 10, 2007 8:02 pm

LFC2007 wrote:An LFC discussion forum!, OK it's general chat but whoever started this thread must be someone with an undercover political agenda, Secret Squirell  :shifty ?

Who you calling a squirell - you bucket of whimper :angry::D
Sabre - Major had an affair with Edwina Currie (yeuk!) that kinda says it all  :D

The sad thing about all of this is that there all as bad as each other -there is no 'third' way - who to vote for ay?

All regimes do good and bad and there is a debate to be had on that point too - at the end all democracies are elected dictatorships, once they're in they do what the hell they want - and then they pander at election time.

My parents voted Thatcher-in in 79 after the winter of discontent crippled the country - they voted the same way the election after, and after that too.

The difference now is that there is no choice - how many of us are staunch labourites, tories, greenies, lib dems etc - perhaps most of us are 'floaters' because most of the politics, policies and personalities look the same - personally I'm fed-up with politicians and their lies - when they speak my ears pick-up "LIES LIES AND MORE LIES" !!

Whoever comes in its all sh*te
Last edited by zarababe on Thu May 10, 2007 8:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.



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Postby LFC2007 » Thu May 10, 2007 8:05 pm

wrighty (not mark!) wrote:
LFC2007 wrote:
dawson99 wrote:he is a tory, if u read the earlier points ud see (i think, unless im is-read)

i did an essay on the lib dems at uni, they freely admitted they wanted to raise taxes, but they said why, and it made sense. at one point about 12 years ago if everyone who said theyd vote lib dems if they had a chance actually voted for them, lib dems would have won in a landslide but they are run so badly they dont even want the responsability

And if you had spotted the hypocrisy of the jibe, then you might have understood my point.

How was it hypocritical!? name me a tory minister who had a golden shower of two rentboys!?  :upside:

Irrelevant of sexuality, the essence of the jibe was about sleazy behaviour. There have been plenty of Tory ministers who have committed just as bad if not far worse things than that of Mark Oaten:

A short history lesson on Tory Sleaze of the 1990's and earlier:

1) Tim yeo's love child

2) Profumo Affair

3) Michael Brown - gay sex with man aged 20, legal limit at that time was 21.

4) Jonathan Aitken - prostitution/libel case

5) Neil Hamilton - Cash for questions

6) Stephen Milligan - died by erotic-asphyxiation

7) Michael Mates - Cash for Gifts

8) Jeffrey Archer - Prostitution/Libel

9) John Major - Edwina Currie

There are more.....

And Dawson,

I was referring to the fact that the Tories have had just as many Homosexual (probably many more) minsters as the Lib Dem's have had. That's not right wing, it's a fact. I have no problem with homosexuals whatsoever, we live in a liberal democracy that's what I expect. I made the comment in response to his comment re. Mark Oaten and his homosexual affairs, well there have been homosexual affairs and far many more scandals perpetrated by the Tories.
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Postby dawson99 » Thu May 10, 2007 8:06 pm

i know, just fun to wind you up mate :laugh:
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Postby Woollyback » Thu May 10, 2007 8:09 pm

billy connolly summed it up perfectly - "anyone who ever wanted to be a politician should be banned for life from ever being one"

the vast majority of politicians are in the job for personal gain. very few do it because they truly believe in a particular ideology. of the few in recent times who were genuine, 2 are dead (mo mowlem, tony banks) and the other one is margaret thatcher.

thatcher was a complete nightmare for many people but she was a necessity. she was the perfect prime minister for her time. it took a leader with balls of steel to drag britain out of the gutter in the early 80's amidst racial unrest, economic recession and the demise of britain's manufacturing industry, and a war fought 8000 miles away at sea. if it wasn't for thatcher britain would STILL be in the gutter. we wouldn't be competing with france, germany & japan, we'd be second class citizens in europe competing with poland and the rest of the eastern bloc

thatcher gave british people something they hadn't had for a long time - opportunity. for years our country had a culture of dragging everybody down to the lowest common denominator. the tories turned that cancer on it's head by rewarding hard work, risk and success and gave us a country where everybody wanted to drag themselves up to the HIGHEST common denominator. that's the legacy she left this country and blair has dined out on it for the last 10 years. if it's made some people very very rich then so what? they're the people who put their balls on the chopping block in the 80's and gambled their homes on setting up in business. don't forget those people now employ countless thousands of men & women

the trouble is now that people with real ideologies don't get elected. politics now is very americanised - the cult of personality has taken over. elections aren't won on real policies or proper manifestos. elections are now won on what suit you wear, how white your teeth are, and who your celebrity cronies are. for an affluent country we have an incredibly stupid electorate, completely unable to understand what the different parties actually offer. the net effect? the main parties throw their ideologies out the window and just go for what wins elections in this country - cheap soundbites, bandwagon jumping & toothy white smiles

it's a load of old b*ll*c*ks i tells ya
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Postby stmichael » Thu May 10, 2007 8:12 pm

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Postby LFC2007 » Thu May 10, 2007 8:13 pm

dawson99 wrote:i know, just fun to wind you up mate :laugh:

Zarababe, I have found our secret squirell  :D
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Postby zarababe » Thu May 10, 2007 8:15 pm

:D Dawsonio's a hamster :D



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Postby Sabre » Thu May 10, 2007 8:17 pm

A timely retreat, is better than a defeat. Spanish political saying.
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Postby dawson99 » Thu May 10, 2007 8:17 pm

im more a beaver... damp holes...better not go there

whats a secret squirrel?
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Postby LFC2007 » Thu May 10, 2007 8:23 pm

Remember the cartoon?

It satirised 007 in squirrel like fashion!
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Postby Woollyback » Thu May 10, 2007 8:25 pm

did someone say beaver? :Oo:
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Postby wrighty (not mark!) » Thu May 10, 2007 8:25 pm

LFC2007 wrote:2) Profumo Affair

My personal favourite as she was fit!haha! :D
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Postby wrighty (not mark!) » Thu May 10, 2007 8:26 pm

Fair play to him though, he did make up for his mistake with the good causes he did before he died. A vain attempt to replenish his reputation? Maybe but hey, I don't see John Prescott doing anything to sort his out.
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Postby LFC2007 » Thu May 10, 2007 8:36 pm

wrighty (not mark!) wrote:Fair play to him though, he did make up for his mistake with the good causes he did before he died. A vain attempt to replenish his reputation? Maybe but hey, I don't see John Prescott doing anything to sort his out.

Yeh I suppose an affair back then was considered more of a shock than one would be today.

Still, I think he showed a degree of humility that perhaps todays politicians lack.
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