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Postby wrighty (not mark!) » Thu May 10, 2007 7:16 pm

dawson99 wrote:lesser of two evils

Sums up politics
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Postby LFC2007 » Thu May 10, 2007 7:21 pm

wrighty (not mark!) wrote:
LFC2007 wrote:
wrighty (not mark!) wrote:For sure, at least our party doesn't like gettin peed on by rent boys (at least i hope not! :D ) ps. That's lib dem i know but thought it wud be funny to mention it!

When you say at least 'our party', which party are you referring to?

'Our' referring to my myself and my mum and dad mentioned earlier within the post lad

Sorry mate, I mean which political party were you referring to.

You said 'at least our party doesn't like gettin peed on by rent boys'.

Which party?
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Postby wrighty (not mark!) » Thu May 10, 2007 7:24 pm

LFC2007 wrote:
wrighty (not mark!) wrote:
LFC2007 wrote:
wrighty (not mark!) wrote:For sure, at least our party doesn't like gettin peed on by rent boys (at least i hope not! :D ) ps. That's lib dem i know but thought it wud be funny to mention it!

When you say at least 'our party', which party are you referring to?

'Our' referring to my myself and my mum and dad mentioned earlier within the post lad

Sorry mate, I mean which political party were you referring to.

You said 'at least our party doesn't like gettin peed on by rent boys'.

Which party?

I was referring to the scandal with Mark Oaten of the Liberal Democrats. If this has caused offence I was takin the p!ss. Get it!? :D  :p
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Postby stmichael » Thu May 10, 2007 7:29 pm

In all seriousness though, Blair is so sadly deluded he should be sectioned NOW.

People talk about him bringing peace to Northern Ireland? Being carved up into sections and run by gangsters, some peace.

Gordon Brown ? The man who destroyed the UK pensions industry (against all advice at the time) and sold our gold reserves for a fraction of it's value. Real smart, this guy.

Frankly, our budgies could do better than these pillocks.
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Postby LFC2007 » Thu May 10, 2007 7:30 pm

wrighty (not mark!) wrote:
LFC2007 wrote:
wrighty (not mark!) wrote:
LFC2007 wrote:
wrighty (not mark!) wrote:For sure, at least our party doesn't like gettin peed on by rent boys (at least i hope not! :D ) ps. That's lib dem i know but thought it wud be funny to mention it!

When you say at least 'our party', which party are you referring to?

'Our' referring to my myself and my mum and dad mentioned earlier within the post lad

Sorry mate, I mean which political party were you referring to.

You said 'at least our party doesn't like gettin peed on by rent boys'.

Which party?

I was referring to the scandal with Mark Oaten of the Liberal Democrats. If this has caused offence I was takin the p!ss. Get it!? :D  :p

Sorry you're missing my point. I am well aware who you are referring, but you said:

'at least our party don't like getting peed on by rent boys' i.e. you must be referring to another party. Who is this 'our party', to put it in layman's terms, which political party do you support. As presumably this is the party that 'at least' don't do what the Lib. Dem's do.

That is my point. Capiche?
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Postby wrighty (not mark!) » Thu May 10, 2007 7:34 pm

LFC2007 wrote:
wrighty (not mark!) wrote:
LFC2007 wrote:
wrighty (not mark!) wrote:
LFC2007 wrote:
wrighty (not mark!) wrote:For sure, at least our party doesn't like gettin peed on by rent boys (at least i hope not! :D ) ps. That's lib dem i know but thought it wud be funny to mention it!

When you say at least 'our party', which party are you referring to?

'Our' referring to my myself and my mum and dad mentioned earlier within the post lad

Sorry mate, I mean which political party were you referring to.

You said 'at least our party doesn't like gettin peed on by rent boys'.

Which party?

I was referring to the scandal with Mark Oaten of the Liberal Democrats. If this has caused offence I was takin the p!ss. Get it!? :D  :p

Sorry you're missing my point. I am well aware who you are referring, but you said:

'at least our party don't like getting peed on by rent boys' i.e. you must be referring to another party. Who is this 'our party', to put it in layman's terms, which political party do you support. As presumably this is the party that 'at least' don't do what the Lib. Dem's do.

That is my point. Capiche?

I answered that question 7 posts ago! lol! I said the one my mum and dad follow which in the inital post I made stated the conservatives. The point was that just because you're tory, doesnt mean you're from the south or well off.
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Postby dawson99 » Thu May 10, 2007 7:35 pm

he is a tory, if u read the earlier points ud see (i think, unless im is-read)

i did an essay on the lib dems at uni, they freely admitted they wanted to raise taxes, but they said why, and it made sense. at one point about 12 years ago if everyone who said theyd vote lib dems if they had a chance actually voted for them, lib dems would have won in a landslide but they are run so badly they dont even want the responsability
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Postby wrighty (not mark!) » Thu May 10, 2007 7:37 pm

Here it is : ''My family's tory and me dad's from Scottie road and me mum is from western ave! For sure, at least our party doesn't like gettin peed on by rent boys (at least i hope not!  ) ps. That's lib dem i know but thought it wud be funny to mention it!''[B]
Last edited by wrighty (not mark!) on Thu May 10, 2007 7:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Sabre » Thu May 10, 2007 7:39 pm

wrighty (not mark!) wrote:
Sabre wrote:Shócked. The ones I thought they would be tory, are labour, and the ones that I thought were labour, are tory. Interesting discussion. :)

Did you know the founder of our illustrious club was tory!? Makes me laugh when being scouse is supposedly synonymous with being politically centre-left.

TBH with you I couldn't care what party you support, ppl have a right to an opinion, if we all thought the same we might as well reel in Castro or whoever

I live in a politically complicated region. And I have friends of every ideology  :)

I think it's possible to discuss about politics without antagonism!! Left winged doesn't have to mean Castro the dictator, and Right Winged doesn't have to mean Le Pen, le French. That's why I invited you to discuss but not too seriously!!  :laugh: it's politics! Football is much more important!!  :laugh:  :cool:

P.S. FWIW, I would never be tory, but bear in mind that being a tory in Spain, means often being nostalgic about the old right winged dictatorship. There's too much separation between left and right winged parties here, and there's not a true centre party, despite both main parties try to occupy it lying to the citizens.
Last edited by Sabre on Thu May 10, 2007 7:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby LFC2007 » Thu May 10, 2007 7:40 pm

wrighty (not mark!) wrote:
LFC2007 wrote:
wrighty (not mark!) wrote:
LFC2007 wrote:
wrighty (not mark!) wrote:
LFC2007 wrote:
wrighty (not mark!) wrote:For sure, at least our party doesn't like gettin peed on by rent boys (at least i hope not! :D ) ps. That's lib dem i know but thought it wud be funny to mention it!

When you say at least 'our party', which party are you referring to?

'Our' referring to my myself and my mum and dad mentioned earlier within the post lad

Sorry mate, I mean which political party were you referring to.

You said 'at least our party doesn't like gettin peed on by rent boys'.

Which party?

I was referring to the scandal with Mark Oaten of the Liberal Democrats. If this has caused offence I was takin the p!ss. Get it!? :D  :p

Sorry you're missing my point. I am well aware who you are referring, but you said:

'at least our party don't like getting peed on by rent boys' i.e. you must be referring to another party. Who is this 'our party', to put it in layman's terms, which political party do you support. As presumably this is the party that 'at least' don't do what the Lib. Dem's do.

That is my point. Capiche?

I answered that question 7 posts ago! lol! I said the one my mum and dad follow which in the inital post I made stated the conservatives. The point was that just because you're tory, doesnt mean you're from the south or well off.

That is exactly what I thought, HOWEVER, given that you took a dig at Mark Oaten and the Lib Dem's for their numerous and public faux pas' I thought: how can this guy possibly criticise the behaviour of the lib dem's when the tories were equally as bad if not worse in private scandals/affairs in the 1990's. Not to mention the number of homosexual ministers they've had.

Now do you see why you confused me?
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Postby dawson99 » Thu May 10, 2007 7:41 pm

homosexual ministers? whats wrong with that? bit of a far right wing comment there dude eh?
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Postby wrighty (not mark!) » Thu May 10, 2007 7:44 pm

LFC2007 wrote:
wrighty (not mark!) wrote:
LFC2007 wrote:
wrighty (not mark!) wrote:
LFC2007 wrote:
wrighty (not mark!) wrote:
LFC2007 wrote:
wrighty (not mark!) wrote:For sure, at least our party doesn't like gettin peed on by rent boys (at least i hope not! :D ) ps. That's lib dem i know but thought it wud be funny to mention it!

When you say at least 'our party', which party are you referring to?

'Our' referring to my myself and my mum and dad mentioned earlier within the post lad

Sorry mate, I mean which political party were you referring to.

You said 'at least our party doesn't like gettin peed on by rent boys'.

Which party?

I was referring to the scandal with Mark Oaten of the Liberal Democrats. If this has caused offence I was takin the p!ss. Get it!? :D  :p

Sorry you're missing my point. I am well aware who you are referring, but you said:

'at least our party don't like getting peed on by rent boys' i.e. you must be referring to another party. Who is this 'our party', to put it in layman's terms, which political party do you support. As presumably this is the party that 'at least' don't do what the Lib. Dem's do.

That is my point. Capiche?

I answered that question 7 posts ago! lol! I said the one my mum and dad follow which in the inital post I made stated the conservatives. The point was that just because you're tory, doesnt mean you're from the south or well off.

That is exactly what I thought, HOWEVER, given that you took a dig at Mark Oaten and the Lib Dem's for their numerous and public faux pas' I thought: how can this guy possibly criticise the behaviour of the lib dem's when the tories were equally as bad if not worse in private scandals/affairs in the 1990's. Not to mention the number of homosexual ministers they've had.

Now do you see why you confused me?

Nar you'll have to run that one by me again! lol! I know what you're saying, Edwina currie, that t!t who wore a chelsea shirt etc.

We could argue all day about scandals, it was lighthearted when i took a dig at Oaten. I like Dawson's 'lesser of two evils' quote which exactly sums up politics in terms of who you vote for.
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Postby LFC2007 » Thu May 10, 2007 7:44 pm

dawson99 wrote:he is a tory, if u read the earlier points ud see (i think, unless im is-read)

i did an essay on the lib dems at uni, they freely admitted they wanted to raise taxes, but they said why, and it made sense. at one point about 12 years ago if everyone who said theyd vote lib dems if they had a chance actually voted for them, lib dems would have won in a landslide but they are run so badly they dont even want the responsability

And if you had spotted the hypocrisy of the jibe, then you might have understood my point.
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Postby wrighty (not mark!) » Thu May 10, 2007 7:46 pm

LFC2007 wrote:
dawson99 wrote:he is a tory, if u read the earlier points ud see (i think, unless im is-read)

i did an essay on the lib dems at uni, they freely admitted they wanted to raise taxes, but they said why, and it made sense. at one point about 12 years ago if everyone who said theyd vote lib dems if they had a chance actually voted for them, lib dems would have won in a landslide but they are run so badly they dont even want the responsability

And if you had spotted the hypocrisy of the jibe, then you might have understood my point.

How was it hypocritical!? name me a tory minister who had a golden shower off two rentboys!?  :upside:
Last edited by wrighty (not mark!) on Thu May 10, 2007 7:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby LFC2007 » Thu May 10, 2007 7:46 pm

dawson99 wrote:homosexual ministers? whats wrong with that? bit of a far right wing comment there dude eh?

Th hypocrisy of the remark referring to homosexual minsters, don't you understand. I am not right wing in any sense, I was referring to the jibe re. Mark Oaten.
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