End of - blair - Judgement day !

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Postby Big Niall » Thu May 10, 2007 4:39 pm

Bamaga man wrote:
cheap cars,good roads

WTF :D  I take it you dont live in England.

But I understand your sentiments though, and your right it could be worse.

In Dublin - the most dingy bars charge Euro 4.50 (£3) for a pint of beer, the posher bars charge up to Euro 6 (£4). Also cars are more expensive here, especially second hand although petrol is cheaper.

I think most pubs in England are cheaper than that.
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Postby LFC2007 » Thu May 10, 2007 5:58 pm

I studied politics a few years back and I could give opinions but they'd be more like essays, the detail etc. is not worth the hassle. Plus the fact I may attract a few Stu-esque people into my debate.

Anyway, forget politics, football is about escapism where people, irrespective of political affiliation can unite. :buttrock
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Postby dawson99 » Thu May 10, 2007 6:06 pm

all well and good, except this thread is about politics dude...so sum up from essay form :;):
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Postby LFC2007 » Thu May 10, 2007 6:20 pm

An LFC discussion forum!, OK it's general chat but whoever started this thread must be someone with an undercover political agenda, Secret Squirell  :shifty ?

A summary in essay form is something of a contradiction of terms!

PM me for further details Dawson, I charge £6.50 an hour.

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Postby dawson99 » Thu May 10, 2007 6:22 pm

or you are squirming out of a pummelling...as you can see, certain threads are not entirely about liverpool, but if u wish to stay on the fence fair dudes dude :p

£6.50 an hour... hmph...
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Postby stmichael » Thu May 10, 2007 6:24 pm

rumour up here is that blair's taking the newcastle job with john prescott as his number 2. :D
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Postby LFC2007 » Thu May 10, 2007 6:32 pm

dawson99 wrote:or you are squirming out of a pummelling...as you can see, certain threads are not entirely about liverpool, but if u wish to stay on the fence fair dudes dude :p

£6.50 an hour... hmph...

Politics + footy = Serie A

Serie A = Corruption

Corruption = :veryangry

Or maybe I got the equation mixed up.....


Politics + footy = Serie A

Serie A = Corruption

Corruption = Inter Milan win the league
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Postby J*o*n*D*o*e » Thu May 10, 2007 6:41 pm

bye Blair, wheel in the next :censored:.
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Postby wrighty (not mark!) » Thu May 10, 2007 7:00 pm

peewee wrote:
dawson99 wrote:any prime minister will be the same. just a lap dog for the usa. labour, conservative, whatever, all blur into one moronic leadership.

yea, i cant believe people think that another prty in power would be any different, those of you who are tory criticising iraq, remember your party supported it, and as for thatcher, the people praising her are obviously southern, the pedo comment about letting them run round, the law says once they have paid their penalty they can leave prison (i suppose the tories would lock them up for life, there are no perves in that party eh)

get a grip of yourselves, you people who think it would any different under another party are just deluding yourselves

anyway not my problem now, i live in a country we they just have a coup and thenreplace the government with a government who just do exactly the same thing as the previous but not as efficient.

"dont vote, the government will get in"

What a crock of sh!te. My family's tory and me dad's from Scottie road and me mum is from western ave! For sure, at least our party doesn't like gettin peed on by rent boys (at least i hope not! :D ) ps. That's lib dem i know but thought it wud be funny to mention it!

Best thing Labour did was the minimum wage. Blair? That t!t let the some of the IRA out of prison who killed innocent people in a cowardly way (not like there is a brave way like). they deserved to rot in hell! Oh yea, Conservatives didn't have the stupid ASBO, Michael Howard locked them up pure and simple.

If any labourite mentions sorting the NHS out I'll just laugh at ya! Hello!? MRSA!? Shutting down of wards and dentists?

Let's face it though, the conservatives did f.uck up big time near the end like most governments do and that's why change can be healthy and governments and ideas become stale. Do you think a government should serve a maximum of 8 years?
Last edited by wrighty (not mark!) on Thu May 10, 2007 7:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Sabre » Thu May 10, 2007 7:03 pm

Shócked. The ones I thought they would be tory, are labour, and the ones that I thought were labour, are tory. Interesting discussion. :)
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Postby wrighty (not mark!) » Thu May 10, 2007 7:05 pm

Sabre wrote:Shócked. The ones I thought they would be tory, are labour, and the ones that I thought were labour, are tory. Interesting discussion. :)

Did you know the founder of our illustrious club was tory!? Makes me laugh when being scouse is supposedly synonymous with being politically centre-left.

TBH with you I couldn't care what party you support, ppl have a right to an opinion, if we all thought the same we might as well reel in Castro or whoever
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Postby LFC2007 » Thu May 10, 2007 7:06 pm

wrighty (not mark!) wrote:For sure, at least our party doesn't like gettin peed on by rent boys (at least i hope not! :D ) ps. That's lib dem i know but thought it wud be funny to mention it!

When you say at least 'our party', which party are you referring to?
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Postby dawson99 » Thu May 10, 2007 7:07 pm

conservatives i think he means dude
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Postby wrighty (not mark!) » Thu May 10, 2007 7:11 pm

LFC2007 wrote:
wrighty (not mark!) wrote:For sure, at least our party doesn't like gettin peed on by rent boys (at least i hope not! :D ) ps. That's lib dem i know but thought it wud be funny to mention it!

When you say at least 'our party', which party are you referring to?

'Our' referring to my myself and my mum and dad mentioned earlier within the post lad
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Postby dawson99 » Thu May 10, 2007 7:15 pm

the facts are that in the last 10 years labour have gone more to the right, conservatives to the left, so every party is just sat on the fence. lib dems will never win and dont even ry and the BNP is too racist... sort of leaves us picking people we dont wanna win rather than those we dont want.

We are happier to have the lesser of two evils when we should be getting a government that actually helps our country and peole in it before spending billions of stuff the 'people' dont want or need
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