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Postby LFC2007 » Sun May 13, 2007 8:47 pm

Sabre wrote:
Bamaga man wrote:
What's your take on Gibraltar, LFC2007 (or others if they want to join?)

This isnt my opinion, infact I remember reading another forum, LFC. And a few members actually live and work there. So here is there opinon, I've heard several like it before.

Written by Sem, from TalkLFC.

Nice and civil, gents. I like it.

For the record, I've spent the last 20 years of my life living in Spain. The last 17 of those years I've worked in Gibraltar. So I dare say I'm qualified to comment on the subject.
Spain, no matter what people say, is still a very backward country. Until the current generation (or possibly the next) of politicians, generals, Guardia Civil leaders die out, there will be very little progress. The Spaniards themselves recognise this.
And it's attitude to Gibraltar is disgusting. Fact. There have been years of border queues of up to one/two hours to either enter or exit gib. Now that Spain have been allowed to use the Gibraltar airport, these queues suddenly disappear.
Ask anyone from from the other side of the border what they think about Madrid's stance on the issue, and you wouldn't get a polite reply. The cause of all this resentment has always come from some little ponce sat in an office in madrid who probably couldn't find Gib on a map.
Another quick fact: the Guardia Civil hate serving in the Basque country due to the obvious problem: ETA.
The next worst place they hate being sent to? The border with Gibraltar due to all the grief they get from Gibraltarians and Spaniards alike for follwing orders they don't agree with.

In that post there's some truth, and some bóllocks.

Needless to say staying 1000Km away from the Gibraltar borderline, influences quite much the view of the matter (I live in the north). And it's a fact there has been and there is some *minor* conflicts in the borderline. I have friends there, but the problem is not much more than some insults, and some flags showing in world cups. It was a hell lot worse decades ago, and in the big picture, the foreign relation of the two nations it has improved a lot

Until 1975, we had a dictatorship, and it's a fact removing some of the old generals, and deadwood wasn't made from the night to the morning, very quickly. As much as everybody would love doing that quickly, transition to a democracy is a delicate matter to deal with.

Spain, no matter what people say, is still a very backward country

Well I reckon there is and there will be lots of Spains, you have the modern Spain, and you'll have also what we call the Deep Spain, and that will be always that because Spain is different.

But the country as a whole has improved a lot in the last 20 years, and I reffer not to my opinion, but to the official economical and social facts that third parties do about the countries of the world. No doubt there's a Deep England aswell, and the odd English working class man giving his opinion with a beer pint in the hand about foreign countries, but that will exist always aswell.

Sabre, in Britain Gibraltar is not really considered a major issue any more. The inhabitants of Gibraltar have the right to self-determination, they have their own democracy and although external issues are dealt with by the U.K. e.g. their accession to the E.U. , internal issues are dealt with by the people of Gibraltar.

Although they still have a Governor who represents the British Monarchy, they have elected officials who, as of 2006, have procured more of these powers.

The people of Gibraltar don't want joint Sovereignty with Spain, they want the right to determine their own future, and that's exactly what they have. Britain has gradually handed over more and more sovereignty to the people of Gibraltar, although it still remains part of the U.K. in a wider E.U. context.

I think even if the Spanish government doesn't give up it's claim for sovereignty in Gibraltar, they recognise that it's the people of Gibraltar who should decide their own future (self-determination) without government officials from either Spain or Britain interfering and striking a deal above their heads.

On the point of the Schengen treaty, Britain is signed up to it on an official level but is not part of it's regulations. We have our own common travel area between Britain and Ireland. Nonetheless I don't see this as a major problem for Britain or Gibraltar.

To sum up, I think it's a 300 year old claim for Sovereignty that is a non-issue. The inhabitants of Gibraltar have their own unique culture, slightly different from mainland Spain, and it would be crazy for Governments from either Britain or Spain to go above the people of Gibraltar to decide their future. Like I said, in recent times under the Blair Gov't, the people of Gib. have decided democratically that they want the right to decide their own future.
But in all fairness it shouldn't be an issue Sabre, it's an area of 3 square miles, with a small population. Let them live, forget about 300 years ago and the history of Franco etc. They will decide their own future and that's the way it should be.
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Postby Sabre » Sun May 13, 2007 8:59 pm

I agree it shouldn't be an issue, as I've said it's very unimportant for me what a lil town of 40000 people or so want to do with their share of land.

The slightly different culture is only due to the British influence all this years, but for what is worth, I'd say I have more cultural differences even than a llanito and that's not still a problem to be Spanish  :)

Gibraltar wants autodetermination for more real reasons like the fact it's a tax heaven land for enterprises and things like that -- money. If they want to sell me the idea they're that unique culturally, I'll smile and I'll say ok, but I won't buy that internally.

The Spanish position however of the Schengen treaty is different. In their view (traditional political positions) Gibraltar was always Spanish and was lost due to a war, and as a part of the Schengen agreement, which, I think it states that in the moment that UK refuses to co control GIbraltar, it will be AUTOMATICALLY Spain again. For a left winger like me that historical right would be unimportant, but the right wingers are not as open minded as me -- they endorsed the incident with Morocco for a ROCK (literally) some years ago and even deployed Spanish marines in the rock -- one of the most pathetic images I've seen.

In a nutshell I agree you, but I tried to explain the traditional Spanish position on the matter
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Postby LFC2007 » Sun May 13, 2007 9:26 pm

Yes, I'm aware of the traditional Spanish position on this. I think the Spanish gov't is slightly more centre-left than in previous years, so I think the short-term future, at least, is secure.

Britain and Spain agreed on a deal for joint sovereignty in 2002 only for the people of Gibraltar to reject it. Britain wanted shared sovereignty, it was the people of Gibraltar who did not.

So no-one can argue about what the people want, 25,000 people protesting against the deal is evidence enough of what they want.

I think we disagree to a certain extent about the change in culture being solely down to British influences, there are many different ethnicities in Gib. as a result of different things e.g. Franco closing the border with Spain.

Over the years people from Sicily, Malta, Genoa, Morocco, Portugal, Gemany, France etc. have moved to Gibraltar so I do think it has a different culture from both Spain and Britain. It also has muslims, Hindus and jews despite being predominantly Christian.

But to be fair, it's people who are hanging on to the past that are more concerned about Gibraltar than me.

I just think it's down to the people to decide.
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Postby Woollyback » Sun May 13, 2007 9:38 pm

we'll give gibraltar back the day spain gives cueta back to morrocco   :;):

i suppose theoretically gibraltar should revert to spanish rule but it's been british for so long that it has BECOME british. any referendum of the population has always been overwhelmingly in favour of staying under british rule. many of the people there have been gibraltarian for generations and as such have the right to decide who governs them

looking at it from a different perspective, i have to wonder why spain would actually WANT gibraltar. what's the spanish for "sh*thole"?  :wwww
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Postby Sabre » Sun May 13, 2007 9:44 pm

we'll give gibraltar back the day spain gives cueta back to morrocco   

Classic point!!  :) The classic comeback to this point is that Ceuta and Melilla were NEVER Morocco, and since Spain is Spain, they were Spain, so there's no need to hand them over those colonies (which equally I don't care their destiny since the electronics are not as cheap as they used to be  :laugh: )

As for LFC2007 point, he's right about the government not being right winged, and being centre-left. Spain has also recovered the traditional foreign policy of the country, thas was broken by the right winged government (and that approached to USA).

I have to agree the point of autodetermination with LFC2007, let them be whatever they want.

looking at it from a different perspective, i have to wonder why spain would actually WANT gibraltar. what's the spanish for "sh*thole"? 

Spot on. You're right, there's no DECENT reason to want Gibraltar badly. Only for a few right winged-Franco nostalgic morons recovering this pieces of land are some sort of relief after the 'havoc' of 1898, in which Spain lost his last colony of the empire. Spain lost Cuba when the yanks sunk the USS Maine and blamed Spain for it declaring war (this tactic has been several times used afterwards by many countries). Spain lost Filippines and other colonies. And this morons see the recovery of small places like Gibraltar as some sort of stupid honour. bóllocks mate, bóllocks.

Quite simply they're idiots who don't get a grip.

Shíthole? probably Sumidero.  :)
Last edited by Sabre on Sun May 13, 2007 9:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Ciggy » Sun May 13, 2007 9:47 pm

I hate this world at times the only things that make me happy are LFC and my son and family for the rest BAH I hate it.
Last edited by Ciggy on Mon May 14, 2007 7:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Woollyback » Sun May 13, 2007 10:01 pm

Sabre wrote:
we'll give gibraltar back the day spain gives cueta back to morrocco   

Classic point!!  :) The classic comeback to this point is that Ceuta and Melilla were NEVER Morocco, and since Spain is Spain, they were Spain, so there's no need to hand them over those colonies (which equally I don't care their destiny since the electronics are not as cheap as they used to be  :laugh: )

As for LFC2007 point, he's right about the government not being right winged, and being centre-left. Spain has also recovered the traditional foreign policy of the country, thas was broken by the right winged government (and that approached to USA).

I have to agree the point of autodetermination with LFC2007, let them be whatever they want.

looking at it from a different perspective, i have to wonder why spain would actually WANT gibraltar. what's the spanish for "sh*thole"? 

Spot on. You're right, there's no DECENT reason to want Gibraltar badly. Only for a few right winged-Franco nostalgic morons recovering this pieces of land are some sort of relief after the 'havoc' of 1898, in which Spain lost his last colony of the empire. Spain lost Cuba when the yanks sunk the USS Maine and blamed Spain for it declaring war (this tactic has been several times used afterwards by many countries). Spain lost Filippines and other colonies. And this morons see the recovery of small places like Gibraltar as some sort of stupid honour. bóllocks mate, bóllocks.

Quite simply they're idiots who don't get a grip.

Shíthole? probably Sumidero.  :)

yup, i think trying to reclaim gibralatar is just a c0ck-waving contest about perceived national pride, rather than wanting it for a worthwhile reason.

i've heard loads of stories about english people having a hard time at the border from spanish police with a chip on their shoulder, although i've been there about 6 times myself and never had any bother whatsoever (despite having a car boot full of tax free swag  :;): )
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Postby LFC2007 » Sun May 13, 2007 10:02 pm

Bush = Sumidero  :laugh:
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Postby Woollyback » Sun May 13, 2007 10:06 pm

LFC2007 wrote:Bush = Sumidero  :laugh:

that's something i'm sure we can ALL agree on

thank buggery american law says a president can't serve more than 2 terms in office so november 2008 it's immac time - bye bye bush  :laugh:  :buttrock
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Postby LFC2007 » Sun May 13, 2007 10:14 pm

How that man ever came to office is beyond me.

Aside from his policies, he's just thick as sh!t.

When asked about Blair's successor, he said 'I look forward to working with.... Long pause (with a puzzled look on his face).......ah Gordon Brown'.

He hasn't got a clue what goes on in the world, when asked who the Pakistani President was a few years ago he didn't have a clue, even though they're a nuclear power and oneof teh most influential nations in the sub-continent. You'd think the most powerful man on earth would kno wthese things!

He needs  :help
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Postby Ciggy » Sun May 13, 2007 10:26 pm

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Postby 112-1077774096 » Mon May 14, 2007 5:23 am

LFC2007 wrote:How that man ever came to office is beyond me.

Aside from his policies, he's just thick as sh!t.

When asked about Blair's successor, he said 'I look forward to working with.... Long pause (with a puzzled look on his face).......ah Gordon Brown'.

He hasn't got a clue what goes on in the world, when asked who the Pakistani President was a few years ago he didn't have a clue, even though they're a nuclear power and oneof teh most influential nations in the sub-continent. You'd think the most powerful man on earth would kno wthese things!

He needs  :help

did you see him last week when the queen was there, talking about gaining independence in 1976 and then winked at the queen when he realised what a pr1ck he is

i saw a good american comedian once who pointed out the smirk that bush does, and he only does it when he gets something right


Postby Big Niall » Mon May 14, 2007 11:38 am

Bush is a religous nutter alcoholic who thinks that God talks to him (probably Cheney whispering through the keyhole).

I think Blair has done more right than wrong but was clearly the last fool regarding Iraq (even when everyone else admitted no major weapons, Blair still claimed that he thought they'd find them). Iraq has ruined his whole legacy.

Supporting America just for the sake of it is wrong too, every war has to be judged on its merits and lets not rewrite history that America declared war on Nazi Germany, Germany declared war on USA and USA gave Britain no help re Suez, in fact USA was happy to see the British empire crumble in the 20th century as it meant they could step into their shoes.
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Postby LFC2007 » Mon May 14, 2007 2:46 pm

Big Niall wrote:Bush is a religous nutter alcoholic who thinks that God talks to him (probably Cheney whispering through the keyhole).

I think Blair has done more right than wrong but was clearly the last fool regarding Iraq (even when everyone else admitted no major weapons, Blair still claimed that he thought they'd find them). Iraq has ruined his whole legacy.

Supporting America just for the sake of it is wrong too, every war has to be judged on its merits and lets not rewrite history that America declared war on Nazi Germany, Germany declared war on USA and USA gave Britain no help re Suez, in fact USA was happy to see the British empire crumble in the 20th century as it meant they could step into their shoes.

America declared war on Japan after Pearl Harbour, then Nazi Germany & Italy followed by declaring war on the U.S. a few days later.

As for the yanks, like I said, they were happy to let Europe crumble both literally and economically. They rarely support anything unless it's in their own interests. Any support we've shown them has never been reciprocated.
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Postby 112-1077774096 » Mon May 14, 2007 2:50 pm

LFC2007 wrote:
Big Niall wrote:Bush is a religous nutter alcoholic who thinks that God talks to him (probably Cheney whispering through the keyhole).

I think Blair has done more right than wrong but was clearly the last fool regarding Iraq (even when everyone else admitted no major weapons, Blair still claimed that he thought they'd find them). Iraq has ruined his whole legacy.

Supporting America just for the sake of it is wrong too, every war has to be judged on its merits and lets not rewrite history that America declared war on Nazi Germany, Germany declared war on USA and USA gave Britain no help re Suez, in fact USA was happy to see the British empire crumble in the 20th century as it meant they could step into their shoes.

America declared war on Japan after Pearl Harbour, then Nazi Germany & Italy followed by declaring war on the U.S. a few days later.

As for the yanks, like I said, they were happy to let Europe crumble both literally and economically. They rarely support anything unless it's in their own interests. Any support we've shown them has never been reciprocated.

very true, we were not allowed to use US soil during the falklands conflict


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