Childhood memories - Toys, girls, tv, school days etc...

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Postby Mikz » Tue Oct 18, 2005 10:13 pm

Ah early memories,My first bike was a chopper and i wanted one of the new Raleigh Strikas -lean green flyin machine lol back peddle to brake-how cool was that. :eyebrow  I remember one day i fell off my mates bike and told my ma it was the deathtrap chopper  :D had a strika next day lol
First toy was evil kenevil
First kiss was a girl called jaqui-whos now called nigel. :talktothehand say no more
First snog-Jeanie-I was first year and she was 5th,older woman aye i was the envy of the school :blush:
My early memories in Belfast began with the ska era, and sticking mirrors on our shoes in school for a peek up skirts,riots and gangfights venturing new territory or defending our own,conkers orchards years of our lives
'' Gary lineker may well have scored 5 goals in 5 minutes , but i think you have to say, what else did he do '' ...Jimmy Hill
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Postby Woollyback » Tue Oct 18, 2005 11:06 pm

never used the school bus, used to live 2 minutes walk from school so could stumble out the house at 5 to 9 with toast hangin out me gob  :D  the lads who got the bus called the hard-on thingy "convoy c0ck" :laugh:

i once p!ssed in a plastic bag on the coach on a school trip to the liverpool garden festival, i chucked it out of the sunroof but it got caught on the other sunroof further back and dribbled back in and sprayed everyone on the back seat, f*ckin priceless  :D  we kept mooning these girls in a car going throught the mersey tunnell, as we were getting out the end one of them flashed her boobies good n' proper :suspect:

we did a 24 sponsored fast for charity at school, some c*nt broke in and robbed my stereo in the middle of the night, when the police came they asked if my stereo had any distinguishing features - i had to reply honestly and say "yes officer, 3 mars bars in the battery compartment" :D

aaah happy days..........
Last edited by Woollyback on Tue Oct 18, 2005 11:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby 66-1120597113 » Tue Oct 18, 2005 11:11 pm

Mikz wrote:Ah early memories,My first bike was a chopper and i wanted one of the new Raleigh Strikas -lean green flyin machine lol back peddle to brake-how cool was that. :eyebrow  I remember one day i fell off my mates bike and told my ma it was the deathtrap chopper  :D had a strika next day lol
First toy was evil kenevil
First kiss was a girl called jaqui-whos now called nigel. :talktothehand say no more
First snog-Jeanie-I was first year and she was 5th,older woman aye i was the envy of the school :blush:
My early memories in Belfast began with the ska era, and sticking mirrors on our shoes in school for a peek up skirts,riots and gangfights venturing new territory or defending our own,conkers orchards years of our lives

HALLELUJAH ...........CONKERS :buttrock  :buttrock

I was always the conker see everyone used to hoke a big massive hole in the middle with a knitting needle or  corkscrew.....OH NO   you dont do that people.
That shatters conker from within and you'd be lucky hitting king of ten.
what needs to be done to obtain a proper conker can be achieved in 4 simple steps
1  DRILL THE FU.CKER....i mean borrow your das drill and  simply drill a nice neat hole through the middle,hence it will not shatter and become weak..if your da does'nt have a drill improvise and steal one
2 PICKLE THE BAST.ARD...yes conkers are alive and rot too,so a good 48  hrs  in vinegar is required so that your boyo dont rot before conker adolesnce.
3 VARNISH IT...yes,steal some of your mums CLEAR nail varnish and apply 3 coats evenly..must stress that red or pink will not do as the conker will look gay
4 A NYLON SHOELACE...none of this cotton cra.p,cotton breaks,hence stampsies.....simply conker suicide that

My 1st bike was a grifter,a red one,with streamers out the handle bars.
1st toy LEGO,in fact theres times id still love some now..theraputic bliss is it yourself and wreck it,you just cant do that when you are old.
1st kiss was in a hut at the 11th nite bonefire with penny morrow..yuk  saw her last year,got a bake like a welders bench now
1st snog was behind the artroom in high school with karen keatley,i told her to fuc.k off cause she'd been eating cheesy wotzits.Still cant eat them today

Postby Dalglish » Tue Oct 18, 2005 11:14 pm

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Postby Mikz » Tue Oct 18, 2005 11:39 pm

Barry We used to pickle them and leave them in the hotpress -ya could put windas in with them. I took my wee 3 yr old daugher out today and got a good bagful, had the mother of all sticks and it stuck up the tree -came down about 5 minutes later and stuck in the ground right beside her :laugh: Im gonna roast em and eat them
'' Gary lineker may well have scored 5 goals in 5 minutes , but i think you have to say, what else did he do '' ...Jimmy Hill
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Postby Garymac » Tue Oct 18, 2005 11:39 pm

LIVERPOOLANYTIME wrote:Garymac you crack me up man. I could imagine being with you in school, you mention everything that is funny I swear :laugh:

But you knwo what made me laugh the most?
Having a packed lunch at home, I have seriously never heard of THAT before, that is just too funny for me to comprehend!!!  You f.ucking joker :D

OMG, I just cant stop laughing G-mac................anyway G-Mac where you been have'nt seen in a while?

ALreet fella, i havent been on as much as usual mate but this thread ive threw me full contrabution behind, i fuc*in loved school mate, thats why i act the same now and im 23!! A know some kids have pretty sh!tty school days but mine fu*king rocked and i wouldnt have swopped mine with anyone else, believe it or not, i turned up late for me 1st day and turned up late for me 1st GCSE exam, me puncuality was woeful, i even got bought an alarm clock by the school!!

Pack lunch thing was sad but that was from me junior days, not seniors! Did anyone else play in school when you had to stay in on there dinner, that game where u get a penny and you had 3 pushes to get it to the edge of the table and then flick it up and score a goal.

Also this isnt childhood related but its funny, we had a game of footy in HArtlepool and the whether was terrible, anyway on the coach home cos the driver wouldnt stop we all had to :censored: in bottles but one lad p!ssed in a pint glass and threw it out the window, only the window next to it was open and everyone got covered in p!ss at the back of the bus, one lad was soaked but we was that p!ssed u just had to laughed.

Livanytime, dont worry lad ive had me little break from the forum now so i shud be back on as usual, and not tw@tted at 7 in the mornin although i did like are little chat that night/morning!!! Ive banned meself from coming on later than 12 its not good for ye health!!!

On the subject of conkers one lad in are school was wrapped his in celotape  :sniffle  the freak i put mine in vinegar but it just made them smell funny, so i just ate them, i prefered marbles, or hitting people over the head with ye fact if you did that now youd get done for sexual harassment!

Seen how excited i get talkin about me childhood, if only i threw this sort of contrabution in on the Liverpool section!
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Postby 76-1115222408 » Wed Oct 19, 2005 12:09 am

Garymac wrote:On the subject of conkers one lad in are school was wrapped his in celotape  :sniffle  the freak i put mine in vinegar but it just made them smell funny, so i just ate them, i prefered marbles, or hitting people over the head with ye fact if you did that now youd get done for sexual harassment!

Seen how excited i get talkin about me childhood, if only i threw this sort of contrabution in on the Liverpool section!

believe it or not, i turned up late for me 1st day and turned up late for me 1st GCSE exam, me puncuality was woeful, i even got bought an alarm clock by the school!!

:laugh  YES I believe it!!

Livanytime, dont worry lad ive had me little break from the forum now so i shud be back on as usual, and not tw@tted at 7 in the mornin although i did like are little chat that night/morning!!! Ive banned meself from coming on later than 12 its not good for ye health!!!

Yea i know me too, trying my hardest to go to bed early like a 'normal' person :laugh:

Anyway good to see you back man, your always good for a laugh G-Mac!!

Postby hawkmoon269 » Wed Oct 19, 2005 1:04 am

Garymac wrote:On the subject of conkers one lad in are school was wrapped his in celotape  :sniffle  the freak i put mine in vinegar but it just made them smell funny, so i just ate them, i prefered marbles, or hitting people over the head with ye fact if you did that now youd get done for sexual harassment!

We used to inject superglue into ours!
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Postby 112-1077774096 » Wed Oct 19, 2005 2:53 am

Lee J wrote:this little plastic bastard was the cause of my mum crashing the car when I was 9. I got too frustrated with it and lobbed it from the back seat to the front, via the windscreen.... not a good move.

did anyone else take it apart to complete it?


no need to take it apart mate, i can do it in just under one minute. I bullied some clever kid in school until he told me how to do it

Postby 112-1077774096 » Wed Oct 19, 2005 3:07 am

I cant remember the girls first name but the family name was lang. my first kiss, snog and breast play were in the field opposite lister drive baths, we were both 9 and went at it in the long grass (she had breasts at aged 9, fantastic), her mate jane also used to do a crab naked, that was cool, i also had a snog with a girl called sconehead.

My first proper bike was a grifter until it got nicked outside the chippy on west derby road near tatoo jacks.

I used to play kerby, (where you stand each side of the road and throw the ball at the kerb)

we also had a boxing gym at the end of the road above a small engineering company, john conteh was fighing some american at liverpool stadium and the americn guy used to train at that gym. we all used to give him abuse outside and tell him conteh would kill him, tru enough conteh kicked his @ss.

i can also remember chips at 15p on west derby road and going back even earlier to infants school (Malvern in bowring park) i can remember crisps being a tanner (2 and a half pence)

Postby anfieldadorer » Wed Oct 19, 2005 4:09 am

peewee wrote:
Lee J wrote:this little plastic bastard

i was very good at playing a single color one  :D
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Postby Lando_Griffin » Wed Oct 19, 2005 4:20 am

The first bike I can remember was a raleigh bmx. My Grandad used to work there, so it was kind of inevitable!!!! The I had a bigger BMX, a Chopper (The Harley Davidson of push bikes - only one around at the time, and everyone wanted a go!), a Racer and a couple of Mountain Bikes.(Not all at once!) I was a bike fanatic. Nobody could catch me (from age 8-16), and I was a right fatty back then!!!!! I was fricking fast. (I had to be, cause I used to mouth off at the dickheads in the years above me!!!!!) :laugh:

All but two of the bikes I got from my other Grandad. He was brilliant. They both were.

The first kiss I had was in the playground at Butlins in Skegness with a girl called Katie. (I regretfully never asked her surname). That was love at first sight. I was 7, she was 8 and she was beautiful. She'll be gorgeous now, no doubt. All I know is that she was from Peterborough, and the year must have been 1989-ish. She probably looks like Catherine Zeta Jones now.

The first proper snog was when I was 15 (late, I know). It was on Christmas Eve in the local pub with a right fit bird called Vicky. She was 28, (and thats no bullsh*t). I was in my LFC top aswell!!!!!

I seem to have a habit of picking older women. I've only ever been out with two lasses younger than me. My first Girlfriend (2 1/2 years), and the one I mentioned in "To do or not to do").


I used to sit playing with Lego for hours! I had a right collection!
I spent a lot of time with my Grandad while growing up (Parents at work or going out to pub(weekends only!!!!!)), and I learnt so much from him. We used to make things like go carts, etc!!! Great stuff!!!!!

I hated School. Too many dickheads!!!!! I used to get into no end of scraps!!!! (Always lost aswell, cos they'd get their mates involved - pussies.)
No-one ever pushed me around though!!!!! First day I was there (secondary school), a cocky nob-sack 6th former waded up to me and gave it the old "Give me your dinner money or I'll..." b*llocks. I told him if he didn't f*ck off, I'd make him look like a right prat infront of his faghags and beat the f*ck out of him.
The silly b*stard never did it again. :D

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Postby woof woof ! » Wed Oct 19, 2005 7:30 am

My first bike was a scottish bird called Mo the Pro , she was 15 and I was 14 , I was heartbroken when I found out she'd let anyone ride her .   :down:

Funniest moment ever at school was when one lad was giving himself a sly wan'k during a Religious Instruction period . The teacher was a Welsh bird in her late 20's and was quite fit . Unfortunately for the lad his desk was right next to the door and the PE teacher happend to peer through the small window in the door and spotted what he was doing  :laugh: , the door flew open and the teach grabbed the lad by the hair and dragged him up and over his desk ,the lad was still clutching his exposed  knob ,it happend that fast . He threw the lad into the corrider and we heard him slap the lad from one end of the school to the other .   :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:
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Postby Ciggy » Wed Oct 19, 2005 7:39 am

Peewee you mention Curbie, remember kick the can :laugh: I mean what kind of a game was that kickin an old battered coke can :D
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Postby Judge » Wed Oct 19, 2005 7:53 am

Woollyback wrote:never used the school bus, used to live 2 minutes walk from school so could stumble out the house at 5 to 9 with toast hangin out me gob  :D  the lads who got the bus called the hard-on thingy "convoy c0ck" :laugh:

i once p!ssed in a plastic bag on the coach on a school trip to the liverpool garden festival, i chucked it out of the sunroof but it got caught on the other sunroof further back and dribbled back in and sprayed everyone on the back seat, f*ckin priceless  :D  we kept mooning these girls in a car going throught the mersey tunnell, as we were getting out the end one of them flashed her boobies good n' proper :suspect:

we did a 24 sponsored fast for charity at school, some c*nt broke in and robbed my stereo in the middle of the night, when the police came they asked if my stereo had any distinguishing features - i had to reply honestly and say "yes officer, 3 mars bars in the battery compartment" :D

aaah happy days..........

convoy what!! lol

i think all or most lads have done the mooning thing, its great especially when the ladies respond. It ney good when they had the husbands in the car though.

love the mars bars in the stereo tho. classic. lol
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