Childhood memories - Toys, girls, tv, school days etc...

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Postby Roger Red Hat » Tue Oct 18, 2005 4:50 pm

I wish I still had this.............

Sex, drugs and sausage rolls!
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Postby stmichael » Tue Oct 18, 2005 4:54 pm

Did anyone else have the "Monster Maker"? :D


you mixed up the head, torso, and legs, then 'rubbed' a crayon onto paper you placed over the plates. the relief gave you a rubbing of your monster which you could color in. very fun. :p
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Postby Garymac » Tue Oct 18, 2005 4:58 pm

Hawkmoon wot are you playing at.....Lee has just told you the accidents Rubix cubes can cause and now you put a link on to an online game, something tells me Lee J computer gonna end up out the window!!!

Miss being a kid me dont know why but climbing lampposts was always cool and there was always a bike tyre round the one next to ares oh and a pair of trainers on the phone lines across the round, bizarre but funny!

Corey haim and Corey feldman remind me of being a kid, like licence to drive and the lost boys, the goonies as well rocked.

Packed lunches were boss as well but i didnt have them for school so i used to ask me mum if i could have a packed lunch for me tea instead in me lunchbox and everything, how fu*king sad is that, and when someone dropped there plate and dinner everyone would cheer and make a right cu*t out the daft bast*rd who did it.

Used to love rolling over, pointless like and it give u a headache but its just something you did as a kid. Fu*kin hated hopscotch though that was for the poor bas*ards who coldnt afford a footy or a skippin rope the meffs.

Getting leggers as well was always good off the nutters who lived by ares, and of course slaps, classic game.
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Postby Roger Red Hat » Tue Oct 18, 2005 5:08 pm

farting in assembly - always caused a great laff. seeing someone tripping up in the corridor and landing on their face caused a cheer too.

But what about the school bus? SERGE! SQUEEZE! PUSH! SHOVE! PUNCH! KICK! oh shit, Im standing again.
We went through a stage of sticking our head through the front upstairs window of the bus and spitting down through open sunroofs whilst we we're stood at traffic lights. always remember a lad called craig dropping a beef and onion sandwich through the sunroof of a BMW. :D

We also learnt that a bus seat cushion could fit perfectly through the open window. But when the inspector got on there would be at least 3 kids hanging from the back window and dropping down and legging it.:laugh:
Sex, drugs and sausage rolls!
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Postby Judge » Tue Oct 18, 2005 5:15 pm

i had the complete set of toys from the program UFO

shado 1
shado 2

my gran (god rest her soul) bought them for me. She was a great person, who knew what toys we in at the time :)
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Postby Garymac » Tue Oct 18, 2005 5:16 pm

Lee, nothing beats seeing another person in a pain and misery when you are a kid, i remember gettin the bus home and some lad tw*tted a fella with a penny on the head who was driving passed on a bike, we was all :censored: are selves......that was until the fella got on the bus and battered the lad who threw it at him!

Remember another time we went fishing in stanley park and they had a swing which swung over the lake and it snapped on me mate and he broke his back and fell into the water and couldnt get himself out, i swear i couldnt help him cos i was laughing so much that i had p!ssed my self!

Fartin in assembly though, always a classic!!

The worst thing about getting the bus home from school was gettin a hard on (or erection if your posh) and trying to lose it before you got to your stop and if it was still there i had to tuck it up at the top of your trousers.....anyone who denys it is a fu*king liar!!!!! It just happened for no reason, it was fu*king pure evil.
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Postby Judge » Tue Oct 18, 2005 5:22 pm

gary, i  remember those hard ons after school on the bus, especially after my history lesson :p

also i farted towards the end of my maths GCE 'O' level, and was sent out for larking around. Good job i passed, but i reckon i'd have got an A grade if i had stayed for the duration :D , i got a B
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Postby Ciggy » Tue Oct 18, 2005 5:28 pm

No Sindy or Barbie for Ciggy had to have the cheaper version called Trudy or something :angry:  :D First games what I can remember, Guess Who.


Connect 4, Fuzzy Felts,
,Girls world of Course  :laugh: but mine was blonde, this one looks rough and has got a tatty head :D

Good old Mr Frostie made lolly ices on Christmas Day :cool:

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Postby Garymac » Tue Oct 18, 2005 5:35 pm

Judge wrote:gary, i  remember those hard ons after school on the bus, especially after my history lesson :p

also i farted towards the end of my maths GCE 'O' level, and was sent out for larking around. Good job i passed, but i reckon i'd have got an A grade if i had stayed for the duration :D , i got a B

Do you have that on ye CV Judge?

Maths Grade: B (Would have been A except for flatulance)!!!

Ciggy you had a doll called Trudy, haha did see dance for money the dirty mere!

I had two teddy bears who were my favourites as a kid and do you know the way you give ye teddys cute little names, i called mine Paul and Steve!!!! No sh!t still got Paul, he has a little waste coat and that but f*ck knows why they got normal names, its like calling ye dog John!

Dont know what happened to Steve though, last time i heard he was in rehab.

And the doll of Girls World looked like she had quite a rough night last night with a male friend!!!
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Postby 76-1115222408 » Tue Oct 18, 2005 7:36 pm

Lee J wrote:I wish I still had my Tomy Supercup Footie game


ran on batteries which was a bit crud but it was cool

This is the f.ucking ONE Lee J......loved that little machine!!

First bike was an American chopper, which had no handbrakes, you had to peddle backwards to break..WTF!!!  Anyone else have a bike like that??

First album I can remember by of my own money and self will was Michael Jackson 'Bad'.

Good thread Lee, got me thinking............I will add anymore memories a bit later!!

Oh yea, first kiss, aged 5 with Leannne Cowper. First touched a bit of flange at the ripe 'ole age of 8!!  I was a BAD little boy, and got into trouble because i kept touching this girls (Marie O' Rourke) minge!!!   :blush:  Just thinking about it, makes me realise why I got in trouble....soooooo bad!!!   Well at least I was touching girls....Thats my excuse!!!  hehe!!! 

More as the memories filter back through!!!!!!!!!

Postby 76-1115222408 » Tue Oct 18, 2005 7:47 pm

Garymac you crack me up man. I could imagine being with you in school, you mention everything that is funny I swear :laugh:

But you knwo what made me laugh the most?
Having a packed lunch at home, I have seriously never heard of THAT before, that is just too funny for me to comprehend!!!  You f.ucking joker :D

OMG, I just cant stop laughing G-mac................anyway G-Mac where you been have'nt seen in a while?

Postby andy_g » Tue Oct 18, 2005 8:35 pm

Garymac wrote:Miss being a kid me dont know why but climbing lampposts was always cool and there was always a bike tyre round the one next to ares oh and a pair of trainers on the phone lines across the round, bizarre but funny!

the tyres round lampposts you seem to get all over the country, but trainers over phone lines is deffo a liverpool thing. if you spend a day walking round the city looking up more than down i swear you'll see loads of them. there was a pair of mine over mulgrave street for a while - but that was dead easy because my kitchen window was about 6 foot from the wire  :laugh:

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Postby Dalglish » Tue Oct 18, 2005 9:49 pm

cisses_gona_get_ya wrote:Me first snog was in Stanley Park with a lad called Jonesy :D

I'm denying everything  :D

First bike was a Chopper, fantastic bike in it's day.

First single I ever bought was "The Tide is High" by Blondie.

I was Subbuteo crazy and had the floodlights,. scoreboard and about 12 teams and Liverpool remained unbeaten in 13 years of playing !

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Postby Ciggy » Tue Oct 18, 2005 10:02 pm

Dalglish wrote:
cisses_gona_get_ya wrote:Me first snog was in Stanley Park with a lad called Jonesy :D

I'm denying everything  :D

:D  His first name was David so it wernt you Ian :;):
pmsl @ Gary with his tyres round lamp posts only in Liverpool will you see such things  :D
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Postby Dalglish » Tue Oct 18, 2005 10:05 pm

cisses_gona_get_ya wrote:
Dalglish wrote:
cisses_gona_get_ya wrote:Me first snog was in Stanley Park with a lad called Jonesy :D

I'm denying everything  :D

:D  His first name was David so it wernt you Ian :;):
pmsl @ Gary with his tyres round lamp posts only in Liverpool will you see such things  :D

What about Trainers dangling off telephone wires  :D

I was reading back through the posts and St Michael mentioned "Super Striker", NOW theres a fantastic soccer game.   :p

Does anyone remember "battletops"  :oops: Me and my 2 brothers used to play by the rules then it would turn nasty and we would end up throwing them at each other. They had little ball brearings in the end and they battered when they hit you  :bump
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