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Postby Owzat » Sat Mar 06, 2010 8:37 am

James Bulger's killer Jon Venables was recalled to prison because of "extremely serious allegations", Justice Secretary Jack Straw has said.

He was released in 2001 on licence with a new identity after serving eight years for the murder of the toddler in Merseyside in 2003.

A report in the Sun newspaper claims Venables is alleged to have committed a serious sexual offence.

Mr Straw is to meet James' mother to discuss the recent developments.

If true then taking into account the age of the offender for the is just proving absurd, you're old enough to commit murder you're old enough to face the FULL penalty for it.
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Postby NANNY RED » Sat Mar 06, 2010 1:30 pm

Ben Patrick wrote:Seems like they are not revealing the reason he has been imprisoned again because it shows just how much of disgrace they were for ever letting those 2 free in the first place.

Ill guarentee you Ben within the next few days the prison were he is at will become public, Some one will get to him this time. You only have to think as soon as he goes through reception all the cons working on there giving the clothes out will be suspect of any scouser coming in any jail around the time he was taken back in, Even if he goes on the nonces wings he will be sussed im telling yeh , Every jail up an down the country will have the inmates on there toes on the look out for him, ill even go as far as to say a recent pic will appear soon of the bas,tard on either the internet or in the papers , someone will nail him this time, Can you imagine being a scouser sent down the same day he was sent back in, Every fecker is gonna be givin the third degree until hes sussed . nevermind the inmates ,one of the screws will give the nod, this time he will be sussed out .
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Postby Ben Patrick » Sat Mar 06, 2010 1:45 pm

NANNY RED wrote:
Ben Patrick wrote:Seems like they are not revealing the reason he has been imprisoned again because it shows just how much of disgrace they were for ever letting those 2 free in the first place.

Ill guarentee you Ben within the next few days the prison were he is at will become public, Some one will get to him this time. You only have to think as soon as he goes through reception all the cons working on there giving the clothes out will be suspect of any scouser coming in any jail around the time he was taken back in, Even if he goes on the nonces wings he will be sussed im telling yeh , Every jail up an down the country will have the inmates on there toes on the look out for him, ill even go as far as to say a recent pic will appear soon of the bas,tard on either the internet or in the papers , someone will nail him this time, Can you imagine being a scouser sent down the same day he was sent back in, Every fecker is gonna be givin the third degree until hes sussed . nevermind the inmates ,one of the screws will give the nod, this time he will be sussed out .

Without a doubt, there will be no hiding this time.

On question time the other night all of the panel bar Carol Vorderman where in favour of his continued anonimity.
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Postby tubby » Sat Mar 06, 2010 6:52 pm

Owzat wrote:
bavlondon wrote:
7_Kewell wrote:
Owzat wrote:Ridiculous that the law protects the offenders more than it protects the victims. About time the law brought back the death penalty for vicious murders like this. normal kids don't go round

bring back the death penalty and put children to death?   ???

No mate just lock them up for life. They have no place in civilized society.

To what purpose? So taxpayers can pay for them to live in a relatively cushy environment and overcrowd prisons?

Why should someone who has no respect for and has broken the law be protected by it? Why should human rights, including not putting children to death, be applied to those who gave not a second thought to the human rights of their victims. If they'd merely shot him it would have been a more humane a way to kill him, and instant, but what kind of sick kid tortures someone then kills them? The problem is the fact that those two were kids was taken into consideration when judging how to punish them, their actions were as cold and calculated as an adult killer and had they been 18 at the time I bet the lenience would have gone.

You can't criticise the legal system if you fall straight into the same trap of making allowances or making the distinction based on their age at the time. They might have regretted their actions, I doubt it very much. Noone who would regret doing that would have done it in the first place. They were a massive risk to society, whether they did anything like that again or not there was that risk. We put down animals without a second thought if they bite humans or kill them, despite that being their instinct and us treating animals as if they are our's to own and control, yet we care about the rights of mongrels like them two.  :no  :veryangry  ???

As far as I'm concerned, they commit a vicious crime like that then their age should not be taken into account, nor should the law protect them. It's just a licence for kids to commit crimes, I'm sure I read not so long ago that kids are committing some fairly adult crimes like rapes etc but because they are viewed as minors in the eyes of the law then that's not so bad as if someone older did it - it's the same f in crime is it not?!?!?!? The victim is just as dead and suffered just as much in this particular case as if a 21 year old had done it. But I guess you wouldn't object to the death penalty had they been older......................

Whats your point?

I actually think the death penalty should be reintroduced. There is no deterrent for crime these days.
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Postby tubby » Sat Mar 06, 2010 6:55 pm

Ben Patrick wrote:Seems like they are not revealing the reason he has been imprisoned again because it shows just how much of disgrace they were for ever letting those 2 free in the first place.

It's a sexual offence of some sort. Was just watching the news and it looks like the high court have an injunction against the S*n who have the full details of the case. Jack Straw thinks if it becomes public knowledge that it will mean he wont get a fair trial.  ???

Anyway there was a journo from the S*n on the news and he said the nature of the crime would shock the nation.

Whatever it is he has done one thing is clear and that is the so call justice system has failed again. It will come out sooner or later, someone will leak it.
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Postby Owzat » Sun Mar 07, 2010 11:14 am

Reckoned the twisted little sh[b]i[b]t was doing child porn having done drugs, he was always likely to be a potential threat to society because anyone capable of torture and murder at such a young age could be capable of anything as an adult. That's not to say he is guilty of these accusations, but whatever it was he wouldn't be shoved straight back in prison without good reason to believe he was guilty. Two lives ended to prevent potential child abuse, murder or any other sick crime would be well worth it.

Besides anything else, one thing long since bothered me is these two with their new identities could shack up with one or more girls, don't you think that a prospective wife or girlfriend should know what they did because I doubt they'd want that kind of sicko having kids with them. It goes much much deeper than a lot of people bother considering, all high and mighty moralistic about the idea of putting a child to death without considering the implications a) of not and b) of them able to conceal their past from people that it could and doubtless would affect. Plenty of innocent people die all the time, these two don't fit that category. Society would be better off without them, sadly though society does try to give rights to those who abuse the rights of others as if it makes our society better.

I bet if it were death penalty for paedophiles it would get more support, although there may be every chance a sicko that could do what those two did could easily become one.
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Postby zarababe » Sun Mar 07, 2010 11:29 am

Mirror reporting - Childe Porn realted.

He's lost his 'right' to anonymity once the new offence is committed. The state can not protect people who abuse the 'comfort' of a new ID. As children the state protected them, but if as is being reported this one is still enaged in crime, drugs too apparently, what did protecting his true ID acheive?

For a 10 yr old to do what he did to that litte baby ... my little Maha will be 2 in May - it beggers belief what has lived in the minds of such young children to do something so heonous. Sad to say, but once sick in the mind ALWAYS SICK IN THE MIND.



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Postby Ciggy » Sun Mar 07, 2010 12:33 pm

You only need a journo to do his homework and read news articles from local areas and crimes commited by a 27 year old man within the last week and you have him.

Everyone who knew him but didnt know he was one of James's killers will know him, if the Echo story is true and he had a Facebook account well it wont be long before his photos are posted on there or on another socail networking site.

He has had his second chance hope someone feckin kills him in jail that he doesnt get a 3rd chance from the bloody doo-gooding European Human rights.
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Postby heimdall » Sun Mar 07, 2010 12:42 pm

pedos and sex offenders should be castrated so that they no longer pose a threat. That way they at least have a chance of reentering society, many of them are not evil but are just driven by twisted perverse urges which they themselves despair about.

Sick twisted feckers like these two kids should be killed, they are at best criminally insane and at worst pure evil.
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Postby Ciggy » Sun Mar 07, 2010 1:01 pm

According to the Guardian he has been telling people who he is.

And Thompsons social worker gives an interview he is working as a steward [url=
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Postby tubby » Sun Mar 07, 2010 3:38 pm

So it looks like he was found to be in possession of child pornography images.
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Postby dawson99 » Sun Mar 07, 2010 3:40 pm

You'd only tell people who you were if you wanted to be killed!!
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Postby SouthCoastShankly » Mon Mar 08, 2010 11:20 am

bavlondon wrote:So it looks like he was found to be in possession of child pornography images.

Agreed. The Red tops seem to have leaked it this morning, but more telling is Jack Straws interview this morning where he referred to the allegations as "leaked information"
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Postby Ciggy » Mon Mar 08, 2010 11:31 am

James mother is on This Morning now.
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Postby dawson99 » Tue Mar 09, 2010 6:52 pm

has anyone else got that text saying who he is? urban myth one?
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