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Postby Ciggy » Wed Mar 03, 2010 9:46 am

I am so angry that these two little b@stards have had over 10 million pound spent on keeping them secrets and molly coddling them, they didnt do the time but they did the crime.
They should not be protected they should be fully aware of peoples hatred for them for what they did to that poor little baby.
And their parents should have been held responsible and served time in prison aswell for the upbringing of venables & thompson which resulted in the death of baby James.
Denise knows where they are and their new identities one was living not to far from Liverpool and I dont believe that the he has done something trivial like visited liverpool after all the money and trouble that has gone into protecting them.
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Postby Roger Red Hat » Wed Mar 03, 2010 10:04 am

weren't they given new identities aswell? new names and stuff? fk'ing sickos. anyway, thats one back inside and if they put him in with the others he'll get a slap or two no doubt. cant believe it 17 years ago though. jeez, that made me feel old.
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Postby Ciggy » Wed Mar 03, 2010 10:07 am

SouthCoastShankly wrote:Take your pick. I bet it is contacting the Bulger family.

No it cant be Denise Bulger has been on radio city and says she wants to know what hes done.
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Postby dawson99 » Wed Mar 03, 2010 10:26 am

it could just be he had a joint or a line

could be anything
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Postby Boocity » Wed Mar 03, 2010 11:22 am

Can't believe they were ever released in the first place, I hate the way this country is going, the human rights of criminals is put before the victim and their families.

I feel for Jamie's family, this must really be distressing. Losing a child is the worst thing that can happen to parents, losing one in this way must be absolutely awful.
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Postby 7_Kewell » Wed Mar 03, 2010 6:13 pm

Owzat wrote:Ridiculous that the law protects the offenders more than it protects the victims. About time the law brought back the death penalty for vicious murders like this. normal kids don't go round

bring back the death penalty and put children to death?   ???
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Postby tubby » Wed Mar 03, 2010 11:06 pm

One of the officers who worked on the original case said he wouldn't have been thrown back in if it was a minor offense.
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Postby tubby » Wed Mar 03, 2010 11:07 pm

7_Kewell wrote:
Owzat wrote:Ridiculous that the law protects the offenders more than it protects the victims. About time the law brought back the death penalty for vicious murders like this. normal kids don't go round

bring back the death penalty and put children to death?   ???

No mate just lock them up for life. They have no place in civilized society.
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Postby Owzat » Thu Mar 04, 2010 1:46 pm

7_Kewell wrote:
Owzat wrote:Ridiculous that the law protects the offenders more than it protects the victims. About time the law brought back the death penalty for vicious murders like this. normal kids don't go round

bring back the death penalty and put children to death?   ???

You refer to children like it's normal behaviour for 10 year olds to torture and then beat a toddler to death.

Might not be a deterrent to kids, but those on here saying we're too soft on criminals are absolutely right. We don't act, give people more and more chances and the fact is there was something very wrong with those two. Why should they get the second chance they never gave Jamie Bulger? The mother served a sentence for her negligence, in fact her's truly is a life sentence while they got eight years.

And I did specify for vicious murders, not just shootings or stabbings, but this kind of sick torture murder
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Postby Owzat » Thu Mar 04, 2010 1:57 pm

bavlondon wrote:
7_Kewell wrote:
Owzat wrote:Ridiculous that the law protects the offenders more than it protects the victims. About time the law brought back the death penalty for vicious murders like this. normal kids don't go round

bring back the death penalty and put children to death?   ???

No mate just lock them up for life. They have no place in civilized society.

To what purpose? So taxpayers can pay for them to live in a relatively cushy environment and overcrowd prisons?

Why should someone who has no respect for and has broken the law be protected by it? Why should human rights, including not putting children to death, be applied to those who gave not a second thought to the human rights of their victims. If they'd merely shot him it would have been a more humane a way to kill him, and instant, but what kind of sick kid tortures someone then kills them? The problem is the fact that those two were kids was taken into consideration when judging how to punish them, their actions were as cold and calculated as an adult killer and had they been 18 at the time I bet the lenience would have gone.

You can't criticise the legal system if you fall straight into the same trap of making allowances or making the distinction based on their age at the time. They might have regretted their actions, I doubt it very much. Noone who would regret doing that would have done it in the first place. They were a massive risk to society, whether they did anything like that again or not there was that risk. We put down animals without a second thought if they bite humans or kill them, despite that being their instinct and us treating animals as if they are our's to own and control, yet we care about the rights of mongrels like them two.  :no  :veryangry  ???

As far as I'm concerned, they commit a vicious crime like that then their age should not be taken into account, nor should the law protect them. It's just a licence for kids to commit crimes, I'm sure I read not so long ago that kids are committing some fairly adult crimes like rapes etc but because they are viewed as minors in the eyes of the law then that's not so bad as if someone older did it - it's the same f in crime is it not?!?!?!? The victim is just as dead and suffered just as much in this particular case as if a 21 year old had done it. But I guess you wouldn't object to the death penalty had they been older......................
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Postby SouthCoastShankly » Thu Mar 04, 2010 1:59 pm

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Postby heimdall » Thu Mar 04, 2010 4:19 pm

Those two who tortured the toddler should have been exterminated, they serve no useful purpose in a civilised society, people need to stop being soft before it's too late. The time for liberal hand-wringing is coming to an end and not before time.
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Postby RED BEERGOGGLES » Thu Mar 04, 2010 4:54 pm

Courtesy of tonight's   Liverpool Echo

THE dad of murdered tot James Bulger today branded the government a disgrace and accused them of “hiding” details of his son’s killer’s return to jail.

Ralph Bulger insisted he had a right to know why Jon Venables, now 27, was last week recalled to custody for breaching terms of his lifelong licence.

The 43-year-old was visited at 4pm on Tuesday by police and home office staff, a week after the killer, who was 10 when he and Robert Thompson tortured and murdered two-year-old James after abducting him in Bootle, was back behind bars.

Today he asked: “What has the government got to hide?”

Mr Bulger said: “Without a doubt, Venables is back where he belongs but he should never have been let out in the first place.

“I always said the judges and politicians who let James’s killers go free had his blood on their hands because they just did not care enough about the precious life of my little boy.

“Venables might be back inside, but his other killer is still roaming free and no-one knows who he is because of the anonymity they were granted.

“Knowing one of them is behind bars again is little comfort when they will not even tell us what he has done.

“It is one more kick in the teeth for James and his family.

“We campaigned long and hard and fought to keep both of James’s killers in prison, but no-one would listen.

“We went to the courts and told how it was not safe to release either of them but they went ahead and did it anyway.

“Our legal system danced on the grave of my innocent son without a hint of shame or compassion by letting these murderers go free.

“Now their actions have come back to haunt them. I only hope to God another child has not been killed.

“We have a right to know why he is back in jail. With all the millions spent on their so-called rehabilitation as well as hiding their identities, I do not believe he will have been recalled for a minor incident.

“I am still in the dark as to why he has been sent back – it is a disgrace.”

Venables will appear before a Parole Board hearing, which will consider the reason for his recall.

This is expected to happen within 28 days of his recall last week.

The three-person panel, including a judge, will rule whether he should stay in prison or be released.

But if fresh criminal charges are or have been laid, that situation could radically change.

The Parole Board decision, usually kept private, is expected to be made public due to the high interest in the case.

James’s uncle Jimmy Bulger, who is still haunted by identifying his two-year-old nephew’s mutilated body, described the killers as “diagnosed psychopaths”.

He said: “We warned they were not safe to be let out of jail, but once again we were trampled on by a so-called justice system which seems to care more about James’ killers than this little boy’s life.

“The whole thing is disgusting and smacks of a cover-up. When is the home office going to tell the truth about what really happened?”

Venables and Thompson were just 10 when they murdered James in a crime which shocked the world.

On February 13, 1993, they abducted the two-year-old from The Strand shopping centre, in Bootle, and killed him on a railway line.

The toddler’s battered body was found by children playing on a freight railway line 200 yards from Walton Lane police station and more than two miles from The Strand shopping centre.

Days later, Venables and Thompson were arrested in connection with the murder of James and later convicted.

They were the youngest people to be charged with murder in the 20th century.

In 2001, they were granted anonymity and new identities and released from prison after serving eight years in jail.

Under the conditions of their release, they are not allowed to contact each other, enter Merseyside without prior written permission or contact any member of the Bulger family.

Mr Bulger, of Kirkby, today pointed the finger at justice secretary Jack Straw, accusing him of “protecting” them.

He added: “I am devastated the justice system dismissed the rights of my dead son and his family but we were proved to be right.

“No right-minded person thinks it is justice for these killers to spend just eight years in a cosy detention centre without a single day’s real punishment for the horrific crime they committed.

“Jack Straw protected these boys back then and now he is doing it again.

“He is saying it is not in the public interest to reveal why Venables has been jailed but once again he is wrong.

“They let them out despite our warnings and now Venables is back in jail. That alone deserves an explanation.

“The public have a right to know why this has happened. How dare the government try to cover it up again.

“This never goes away for James’s family – it hurts as much today as the day he was murdered.

“When they killed James, they took a piece of my soul which I will never get back.

“James was just an innocent baby but they killed him because they could, with no mercy or compassion for a terrified little boy.

“This pair knew exactly what they were doing and got some twisted kick out of it.

“All these years, I have lived with the image of my little boy’s face racked with fear and pain as they tortured him.

“In my head, I can hear him crying out and begging them to stop.

“Sending Venables back to prison proves our government let down James’s family and society as a whole – but most of all they let down my son. When will they ever learn to listen to victims instead of killers?

“The government got it wrong then and now they should hang their heads in shame. The very least they owe us is to reveal why Venables is back inside.”

James’ mum Denise Fergus has yet to publicly speak about Venables’ recall.

Her spokesman said today: “The decision to inform Denise that Venables is in custody, without telling her what he has done, is very callous and insensitive.

“Denise agrees she and the public have a right to know what Venables did and what his punishment will be.

I think the Government have swept all to many travesty's such as this one under the carpet ,such macabre incidents which have resulted in a high profile case in the media, such as the James Bulger murder should have been resolved with a lot more respect for the family and the public who at the time were baying for blood ,yet the government treated all concerned with an overwhelming contempt

My heart genuinely bleeds for the parents ,but I have no concept of the depth of feeling shared by his family alike ,surely the government must now act and divulge the reason for that B@stards impending incarceration ........ Time for the truth is now ,because the longer the silence persists the more it is belittling the importance  of James Bulgers short time on this earth :(
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Postby Ben Patrick » Thu Mar 04, 2010 5:10 pm

Seems like they are not revealing the reason he has been imprisoned again because it shows just how much of disgrace they were for ever letting those 2 free in the first place.
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Postby RED BEERGOGGLES » Thu Mar 04, 2010 5:15 pm

Ben Patrick wrote:Seems like they are not revealing the reason he has been imprisoned again because it shows just how much of disgrace they were for ever letting those 2 free in the first place.

Even if they gave the length of the sentence he is looking at ,it would help people to gauge the seriousness of his crime,so in that case it looks well dodgy ,I just hope their isn't another family grieving somewhere and its now a major cover up     :veryangry
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